Wednesday 7 March 2018

Curso de negociação forex irlanda

Comece a gerar um rendimento secundário.
✅ Aprenda a ler a ação de preços.
✅ Entenda como o mercado se move.
✅ Torne-se um gerente de risco.
✅ Comece a pensar como um comerciante profissional.
Curso de treinamento on-line on-line acessível.
Bem-vindo à Price Action Traders Ireland. Somos uma empresa com sede em Monaghan e fornecemos treinamento on-line acessível em moeda estrangeira na Irlanda. O comércio de Forex tornou-se extremamente popular recentemente, já que o acesso aos mercados cambiais tornou-se mais fácil para os comerciantes de varejo. Se você é um iniciante ou um comerciante avançado tentando virar essa esquina, este curso de orientação on-line Forex irá fornecer-lhe a rota para encontrar consistência comercial e rentabilidade.
Para dominar os mercados de moeda, um comerciante precisa desenvolver uma compreensão de Price Action & amp; Aprenda a identificar os principais pontos de inflexão no mercado. É aí que o nosso programa de Mentorismo emblemático entra em suas próprias, as 3 sessões de tutoria on-line oferecem um ambiente estruturado e controlado para que os alunos obtenham uma sólida compreensão da ação de preços, manipulação de mercado e como os grandes bancos e instituições trocam o mercado aproveitando o comerciante do varejo. Vamos ensinar você a começar a pensar como as instituições e como chegar no lado direito do mercado.
Ganhe dinheiro com o nosso curso Forex Trading.
Sendo um serviço on-line acessível de treinamento de câmbio on-line, fornecer mentoria para pessoas interessadas em divisas na Irlanda significa que a localização não tem restrições. No entanto, só aceitamos estudantes que estão dispostos a aprender e têm expectativas realistas, este não é um curso de negociação rápida e rico e é apenas para comerciantes aspirantes sérios e determinados. Se você está determinado e disposto a se comprometer com a negociação, este é o grupo para você! Inscreva-se no nosso curso de negociação forex hoje e comece a ganhar dinheiro.
Online Forex Mentoring.
Ideal para comerciantes principiantes com pouca experiência, este tutorial on-line on-line 1 em 1 irá acompanhar rapidamente o processo de aprendizagem e todas as sessões são registradas para visualização futura.
Comece a ganhar dinheiro online negociando os mercados FOREX AGORA!
Acesse Live Trade Recordings.
Como membro, você obtém acesso a uma biblioteca de gravações em vivo, onde a conta de negociação real está visível mostrando entrada, parada-perda, saídas e comentários ao vivo durante todo o comércio.
Faça o dia do dinheiro negociando os mercados cambiais estrangeiros.
Fazer parte de nosso curso único de negociação forex ajuda a desenvolver uma abordagem sólida aos mercados de câmbio, combinando coaching de primeira classe e entusiasmo dos alunos, queremos ajudá-lo a gerar retornos sérios no mercado mais líquido do mundo. Nosso curso de negociação Forex irá ensinar-lhe que o seguinte deve ter habilidades:
Compreender o preço Ação é vital se você quiser ter sucesso.
Torne-se um especialista na definição da estrutura de mercado.
Desenvolva regras fortes de gerenciamento de risco e plano de negociação.
Saiba como identificar os principais pontos de inflexão no mercado.
Gary Dunne, Fermanagh.
Ótimo curso e vale cada centavo. Eu costumava pular do sistema para o sistema quando eu perdi um comércio e nunca lhe dê uma chance. Mas depois de falar com Darragh, ele delineou a estrutura do programa de tutoria, eu estava confiante de que este era o curso para mim. Ansioso para os próximos meses e obter alguma consistência na minha negociação.
John McGovern, Cavan.
Eu estava negociando por 6 anos com pouco sucesso, então me deparei com priceactiontradersireland. ie. Eu terminei o curso há algumas semanas e já comecei a ver as melhorias. Antes de eu nunca usar uma parada de perda ao negociar, este é o "pecado do Cardeal" na negociação e a razão pela qual minha conta estava sendo corroída. Minha compreensão dos mercados é muito mais clara agora e como leio a ação de preço. Definitivamente, vale a pena ter um bom curso para quem quer aspirar a ser um comerciante. As gravações do comércio ao vivo são muito úteis, pois ajudam você a entender o que darragh pensa durante o dia de negociação.
Finbarr Collins, Cork.
Eu terminei o meu curso com darragh na semana passada. Eu fiz alguns cursos de negociação de um dia antes e este é, de longe, o melhor. Olhando para o comércio com confiança.
Kelly Gibbons, Donegal.
Acabei de completar minhas sessões de orientação com Darragh e obrigado por me dar a confiança e as ferramentas para negociar os mercados cambiais. Eu gastei muito dinheiro em outros cursos de negociação, mas esse curso é cabeça e ombro acima de qualquer um deles. Minha compreensão de ação de preço e Momentum realmente aumentou e eu estou extremamente grato.
Stephen Rushe, Monaghan.
Sendo um homem de negócios bem-sucedido, entendo a beleza da simplicidade e da minimização, que acredito estar no centro da sua abordagem de negociação e é uma coisa que eu aspirai a absorver e implementar totalmente. Agradeço um milhão por toda sua ajuda.
Michael M, Dublin.
O que Darragh ensina que você é o seu método de negociação de ação de preço testado e testado e ele cobre todas as informações que você precisa para ajudá-lo a se tornar um comerciante consistente dentro do curso. O curso é um para o outro e direto ao ponto, sem waffle, apenas como ganhar dinheiro como comerciante de impulso que comercializa os mercados. Obrigado a Darragh que aprendi nos últimos meses. É preciso um esforço conjunto para entender e leva um tempo para que seus olhos tomem o que os gráficos estão dizendo e como ele se relaciona com os métodos de negociação que Darragh ensina, mas eu acredito firmemente que estou no caminho certo para negociar wrestling para o chão agora.

curso Forex trading ireland
Sobre o Fundador.
Comecei a comercializar em 2009 sem realmente saber o que estava fazendo. Eu fiz todo erro comercial conhecido pelo homem e minha conta foi atingida com dificuldade.
Em 2010, Darragh freqüentou e se formou no Instituto Irlandês de Negociação Financeira com um Diploma Avançado em Negociação Financeira. Darragh deve agradecer ao Sr. Peter Brown da IIFT por dar-lhe a confiança e base sólida necessária para trocar os mercados cambiais. Depois de terminar no IIFT, Darragh foi apresentado a outro comerciante que eventualmente se tornou seu mentor forex, quando percebeu a diferença que um mentor pode ter em um comerciante. Darragh se destacou neste ambiente nos próximos anos e gradualmente começou a se tornar mais consistente, o que levou à rentabilidade.
Sua missão é capacitar os aspirantes a comerciantes de forex e dar-lhes a educação & amp; direção para construir uma base sólida em um ambiente de negociação sob medida.
Eu acredito que qualquer pessoa pode se tornar um comerciante de sucesso, desde que esteja disposta a aprender, tenha dedicação, paciência e um bom mentor.
Eu acredito que qualquer um pode negociar os mercados cambiais com o treinamento correto de negociação forex. Incentive os alunos a trocarem de uma conta de simulador até que tenham mostrado resultados consistentes por vários meses e só então incentivem uma mudança para uma conta de negociação ao vivo. Negociar uma conta ao vivo é completamente diferente de um simulador para que os fundos iniciais sejam pequenos (não mais de € 1000). Se a consistência continuar, o aumento do capital da conta seria encorajado dentro do raciocínio.
Lembre-se que a negociação é uma maratona e não uma corrida, é sobre a acumulação de riqueza ao longo do tempo !. Se você acha que este é um esquema rápido e rico, então este treinamento de negociação Forex não é para você.

curso Forex trading ireland
Mestre os blocos de construção de operações financeiras e investimentos ao longo de 4 semanas. Você aprenderá a trocar com confiança, concentrando-se tanto nos aspectos técnicos e fundamentais da negociação / investimento com nossa ajuda e suporte em todo. Você aprenderá o que é necessário para negociar com sucesso mercados de ações, moeda e commodities.
Lição 1: A abertura de Bell.
Testemunhos Horário do curso Sobre o AcademyFT Multi Award Ganhando garantia de devolução de dinheiro de 30 dias! Acessibilidade móvel.
Junte-se ao 3687540.
Graduados bem-sucedidos hoje.
Todos os participantes dos cursos recebem um gerente de conta disponível para dar suporte e assistência individual.
Meu nome é Sue. Eu trabalho com meu marido em nossa padaria familiar em Tauranga, Nova Zelândia. Temos dois filhos adultos. Mas o que as pessoas não sabem sobre mim é que graças à Academia de Negociação Financeira eu sou um comerciante financeiro bem sucedido!
Eu recomendo a todos que estão interessados ​​em negociar para levar o Ultimate Traders Program. Esta academia é muito útil. Os cursos oferecidos são muito interessantes e claros e a melhor parte é a equipe de suporte. Muito obrigado AFT. Você é o melhor!
A AFT é extremamente profissional em sua abordagem e sua compreensão da gestão e análise de riscos foi um verdadeiro abridor de olho.
Eles sabem do que estão falando. Tive uma boa sensação sobre este curso e cheguei à próxima lição e ao próximo.
Helen P. Nova Zelândia.
Os recursos disponíveis, como as sessões de webinar que um membro pode assistir e ouvir a qualquer momento, são inestimáveis.
Não hesito em recomendar a inscrição no programa de fundação e / ou finanças.
O que eu gostei muito sobre isso, foi que não fomos incentivados a negociar, mas lembramos que era apenas uma base.
Na verdade, eu queria escrever e escrever mais, mas a única palavra que estava correndo jogue minha cabeça constantemente após o final do curso foi "PERFEITO"!
Os cursos fornecem o conhecimento e o quadro mental necessários para não cair vítimas das armadilhas mais comuns e, finalmente, falhar.
O curso da Fundação Academy FT foi muito superior aos outros provedores.
Fiquei tão impressionado com o estilo de ensino - muito terra-a-terra com uma abordagem honesta e aberta. O conteúdo foi excelente.
Gostei e feliz de escolher AFT. Como qualquer outra coisa, você deseja ter sucesso, exige sua vontade, dedicação e paciência.
O curso foi bem estruturado, entregue com entusiasmo, motivação e foi preenchido com exemplos ao vivo. Também foi divertido!
Tudo teve um fluxo seqüencial e ajustou-se perfeitamente na serra de gabarito para lhe dar uma imagem bem arredondada sobre o que era o comércio.

Inscreva-se no meu Podcast! Clique em qualquer um dos canais abaixo!
O ônibus de negociação Forex com Andrew Mitchem.
Experiências de Clientes do The Forex Trading Coach.
Testemunhos de vídeo.
Testemunho de Clientes.
Paul Tillman,
Carolina do Norte, EUA.
Alex, Índia.
Entrevistado no.
iFX Expo em Hong Kong.
Andrea Napier,
Wellington, Nova Zelândia.
Siimon Reynolds,
Los Angeles, EUA.
Michael Su,
Auckland, Nova Zelândia.
Beau Hicks,
Omar Ghais,
Val Pasquale,
Travis Ochsenbine,
Grant Dixon,
Matamata, Nova Zelândia.
Jonathan Hale,
Zoltan Kohalmi,
Reece Stiller,
Hamilton, Nova Zelândia.
Anne-Marie Stringer,
Adelaide, Austrália (somente áudio)
Testemunhos escritos.
Primeiro, tomei conta de Andrew quando descobriu sua série de podcasts no iTunes. Muitos dos conceitos que ele discute ligados comigo e # 8211; Eu percebi que eu não quero ser colado em minhas cartas, que eu quero um sistema simples e baseado em regras para trocar, que eu quero estar confiante entrando e saindo do mercado.
Eu me inscrevi para o curso de Andrew e posso dizer-lhe que o valor é muito superior ao custo. Se você tem lutado para ver sua curva de ações aumentar de forma consistente, ou se você é novo nos mercados, eu prometo a você que o Andrew irá transformar as coisas por você.
Aqui está o que você receberá:
1. Um sistema abrangente e simples que você pode literalmente seguir passo-a-passo para se tornar um comerciante consistentemente rentável e # 8211; como entrar e gerenciar negócios, como gerenciar riscos.
2. Suporte pessoal e interação com Andrew na forma de s, bate-papos de mensagens instantâneas, postagens do fórum e webinars interativos.
3. Configurações de negócios com pontos de entrada e saída claramente definidos (o meu conselho pessoal é sempre verificar seus próprios gráficos antes de ler as idéias comerciais de Andrew para o dia # 8211 e depois ver se você perdeu alguma coisa ou porque Andrew perdeu um potencial comércio você pode ter se visto)
4. Uma comunidade de comerciantes que seguem exatamente o mesmo sistema.
Canadá, 14 de dezembro de 2017.
O que posso dizer? Estou com o site de Andrew por cerca de um ano e minha negociação Forex melhorou drasticamente. Eu só troco HTF (diariamente e semanalmente), mas com alguma gestão de risco me fez perto de 40% em 1 ano. Muito melhor do que qualquer banco oferece. Obrigado Andrew!
Guadalajara, México, 3 de dezembro de 2017.
Este curso é brilhante. Eu tive que passar por isso algumas vezes para realmente lidar com isso e # 8211; Mas depois de alguns meses estou começando a ver alguns resultados decentes. É um pouco como andar de bicicleta, você só precisa continuar praticando até obter o equilíbrio certo.
Além da base sólida, o próprio curso de vídeo propriamente dito fornece, existem alguns indicadores que Andrew oferece, que são realmente úteis. Também há acesso a todos os webinars semanais passados. Esses vídeos fornecem algumas idéias realmente valiosas e você pode realmente ajustar sua compreensão da estratégia de assistir essas.
O lado da gestão de risco do curso também é excelente e realmente útil para as pessoas, que no passado, como eu, tendem a ser indiscriminadas com o gerenciamento de dinheiro.
Andrew e sua equipe de suporte também são muito amigáveis ​​e sempre respondem com muita rapidez. O suporte contínuo é muito valioso para iniciantes relativos como eu.
Em suma, este curso, para mim pelo menos, foi um excelente valor para o dinheiro, porque me deu a base sólida que eu precisava para começar a negociar corretamente com confiança.
Se você está procurando uma base sólida e uma boa estratégia sólida de senso comum para obter lucro, essa poderia ser a única. Eu certamente recomendaria.
Mark Palmer.
Londres, Reino Unido, 22 de novembro de 2017.
Eu sempre tinha ouvido falar do & # 8220; Potential in Forex, & # 8221; Mas não foi até que conheci Andrew e Paul do The Forex Trading Coach que entendi o porquê. Esses caras não são apenas mestres absolutos em seu ofício, mas têm a capacidade de explicar a informação de forma que mesmo o maior iniciante possa entender. Eles oferecem um ótimo programa carregado com valor, e também são tão agradáveis ​​em ajudar as pessoas a iniciar suas atividades na FOREX. Eu não posso dizer o suficiente coisas boas sobre eles, e recomendo qualquer pessoa interessada em FOREX investindo para verificar o programa de treinamento que eles oferecem. Literalmente, rasurará os anos da curva de aprendizado # 8216 e é divertido e muito bem feito.
Fairfax, VA, EUA, 10 de novembro de 2017.
Sempre me perguntei sobre mentores \ treinadores. Como investidor em tempo integral nos últimos anos, cheguei à conclusão de que eu precisava de um mentor \ Coach para me levar ao próximo nível. Depois de conhecer Andrew e aprender seu sistema, foi a melhor coisa que eu poderia ter feito na minha negociação. Ele é um homem genuíno, honesto, trabalhador, familiar, empresário e comerciante muito bem sucedido. Tudo o que você tem a fazer é olhar para os seus negócios nos últimos três meses ou três anos, todos eles são postados em seu site na seção de membros. Se você não fizer 20%, há uma garantia de reembolso do seu dinheiro que faz isso? O sistema não é caro em comparação com outros e a quantidade de retorno que você pode fazer se você for sério sobre a negociação está fora dos gráficos. Conheci Andrew por mais de 3 anos e tive uma chance de encontrá-lo pessoalmente em sua primeira viagem aos Estados Unidos este ano. Eu acredito que ele pode cobrar três ou quatro vezes o que ele faz pelo serviço, conhecimento, experiência e retornos que ele fornece. Todos os dias ele se esforça para melhorar seus clientes, negócios e negociação.
Carolina do Norte, EUA, 24 de outubro de 2017.
Andrew Mitchem, o curso Forex Trading Coach é o melhor curso de forex que eu fiz, e fiz outros 2 cursos que eram muito mais caros que os de Andrew.
Utilizei estratégias e sistemas há mais de 3 anos e todos foram lucrativos anos. As estratégias e os sistemas são baseados em técnicas com explicações sobre onde e como colocar entradas, metas e saídas com base na ação de preços e nos padrões de gráficos que são ministrados em profundidade no curso. Fácil de seguir para novatos ou comerciantes que estão lutando, que simplesmente não conseguem entender isso nesta excitante indústria de FX.
Só posso falar muito das habilidades de Andrew sobre a abordagem de ajudar todos os membros novos e antigos com encorajamento constante e treinamento contínuo em seus webinars que ele agora realiza semanalmente, já que sua base de membros cresceu desde que eu fiz o curso. Era duas vezes por semana quando fiz o curso, mas agora semanalmente.
Andrew é considerado um gigante no FPA e para ser chamado de Gigante, você deve ter uma reputação decente, já que o FPA não os entrega facilmente.
Se você está pensando em querer aprender a maneira adequada e segura de aprender a trocar FX, então eu recomendo que você entre em contato com Andrew e veja o que ele tem para oferecer e então você entenderá por que ele é considerado um gigante pela FPA.
John, um trader bem sucedido depois de negociar há mais de 8 anos.
Doha, Qatar, 7 de outubro de 2017.
Eu só queria dizer OBRIGADO por ensinar-me a trocar forex verdadeiramente. Você é o único treinador que encontrei até agora, cujas estratégias realmente funcionam! Você é realista ao ensinar os altos e baixos do comércio cambial, e eu realmente aprecio como você me ensinou uma gestão de dinheiro adequada para que eu possa proteger minha capital e sobreviver no mercado.
Estou feliz em dizer depois de semanas de prática com suas estratégias, estou lentamente entrando no meu groove. Cresci minha conta 7% na semana passada e agora aumentou 4% esta semana. Minha conta cresceu + 8% até a data (contabilizando as perdas da semana anterior). Durante as últimas 2 semanas, troquei em gráficos 1H, procurando os padrões de castiçal que você nos ensinou e amarrando isso com a força e fraqueza da semana. Planejo continuar esta rotina, e espero ser consistentemente rentável com essa estratégia.
Agradeço novamente Andrew e fico feliz em encontrá-lo como treinador comercial.
Michelle Leviste.
3 de outubro de 2017.
Estou agora acima de 15% desde que comprei seu curso! Eu fiz 6% ontem sozinho!
Branin Cline.
Carolina do Norte, EUA, 15 de setembro de 2017.
Bem, eu não tenho certeza da melhor maneira de revisar Andrew, já que já foi escrito em comentários anteriores & # 8230;
Posso começar pela primeira vez dizendo que eu sou um daqueles tipos pesimistas (uma culpa minha, eu admito) que lê 50 boas críticas sobre alguém, mas não pode ajudar a ler 1 comentário negativo 50 vezes & # 8230; & # 8230;
Eu estava preocupado em investir dinheiro em um curso de forex, quando tudo que você parece ler em linha é comentários negativos sobre golpistas estrangeiros etc etc & # 8230 ;.
Eu vim para o site forexpearmy e percebi as muitas avaliações excelentes, barrai a exceção aleatória / estranha, e fazia minha decisão um pouco mais fácil, e finalmente comecei a pensar e # 8220; talvez isso realmente seja legível & # 8221; & # 8230; . & # 8220; Talvez eu poderia dar um go & # 8221;?!
Depois de finalmente fazer o mergulho e abaixar o dinheiro, eu ainda tinha minhas preocupações, e não tinha certeza se eu fiz a decisão certa "# 8230 ;.
Esta preocupação foi (felizmente) logo colocada na cama. Primeiro você trabalha o caminho através dos tutoriais em vídeo e # 8230; Há muito o que fazer através do & # 8230 ;.
Se você estiver ansioso, você pode ter todos eles feitos em alguns dias, como eu, então você está pensando # 8220; bugger, é isso agora, eu gastei esse dinheiro e é isso? # 8221;
A grande coisa sobre este curso é que está em andamento - Uma vez que você fez a lição de casa básica, você obteve as sessões de webinar todas as semanas que você pode atender & # 8230; Alguns podem ser difíceis de participar se você tiver compromissos de trabalho;
Havia alguns que não conseguiria fazer, mas não esqueçam que há diferentes horas de sessão para atender a todos em todo o mundo e # 8230 ;. Então, um pouco de dar e receber é o mínimo que podemos esperar aqui & # 8230;
Depois de ter feito alguns webinars, você notará que está sempre tocando os mesmos conceitos e como reconhecer certos padrões, certos requisitos comerciais e estratégias técnicas # 8230; Quanto mais e mais você passar por cima, mais treinado o olho se torna, eles são muito benéficos. Eu realmente gosto deles e continuarei a participar.
A próxima coisa a mencionar é o fórum, há uma grande quantidade de informações lá e # 8230; pessoas que estão no mesmo barco, tentando ganhar dinheiro # 8230; Atualmente, eu sei que Andrew e Paul estão empurrando as pessoas para se envolver mais no fórum, como todos se beneficiam.
Andrew é um cara muito simpático.
O serviço de atendimento ao cliente é perfeito, pois ele é muito rápido para voltar para você se precisar de ajuda (toda vez que lhe perguntei algo que tive uma resposta no mesmo dia, ou no dia seguinte, e tendo em mente que ele se baseia na Nova Zelândia , muitas vezes eu estou fazendo perguntas quando hes na cama!)
Eu recomendaria andrew a qualquer um sem qualquer hesitação que deseje fazer um curso de treinamento forex.
Por favor, acredite em mim quando eu digo que não sou um avaliador falso, acabei de me inscrever para forexpearmarm, apenas para que eu possa dar uma revisão de andrew e seu treinamento.
Espero que isso possa ser útil para quem tem dúvidas sobre a credibilidade.
A todos os comentadores anteriores que deram comentários negativos; se não funcionou financeiramente para você, e por qualquer razão. Você não pode jogá-lo em andrews face & # 8230;
Se o andrew pudesse prometer-lhe grandes lucros, ele estaria vendendo seu conceito por milhões de libras - em algum lugar há muito tempo, você pode se olhar no espelho e dizer # 8221; ok cometi erros um longo caminho "# 8230; talvez eu poderia ter feito isso e isso melhor & # 8230; & # 8221; Mas você não pode criticar o andrew, pois ele simplesmente lhe deu as ferramentas, é você para usá-los.
Reino Unido, 1º de setembro de 2017.
Eu primeiro ouvi falar de Andrew Mitchem, & # 8220; The Forex Trading Coach & # 8221 ;, enquanto estava em um vôo para o Japão. Eu me tornava cada vez mais interessado nos mercados de Forex e no comércio nos últimos meses e tinha decidido baixar alguns podcasts para ouvir durante o vôo de longo curso.
No momento em que eu não estava especificamente procurando investir em um curso de negociação forex, mas achei que os podcasts de Andrew eram tão úteis e informativos, que quando eu voltei da minha viagem ao Japão, eu me convenceu a me inscrever no Forex Trading Coach curso e começar a minha educação.
Inicialmente, eu tinha reservas sobre o custo do curso, já que funcionava em torno de um mês de salário no momento, mas achei que, se eu quisesse levar meu negócio a sério, eu precisaria fazer o compromisso financeiro necessário para um bom Educação. Minha decisão de mergulhar foi facilitada pelas muitas críticas positivas dos clientes existentes e passados ​​de Andrew.
Eu já tenho um membro há sete meses e pensei que era hora de compartilhar minhas experiências aqui no FPA.
Em primeiro lugar, devo começar por dizer que o material do curso de vídeo em si é excelente. Conciso, fácil de seguir e definido em uma ordem lógica passo a passo. Cada seção contém todas as informações que você precisa para cobrir essa área específica de sua educação comercial e pode ser facilmente observada quantas vezes quiser, ao seu próprio ritmo. Em geral, uma experiência de aprendizado abrangente e o curso de vídeo é excelente.
Andrew ensina gestão rigorosa do dinheiro, que é absolutamente fundamental para proteger seu capital e, no entanto, é muitas vezes esquecido. Sua estratégia usa um baixo risco por abordagem comercial com níveis de fibonacci para seus níveis de entrada e saída comercial, garantindo consistência com todas as negociações realizadas. Os modelos MT4 e alguns indicadores úteis também são fornecidos com o curso, que ajuda a levá-lo a funcionar rapidamente.
Andrew também fornece recomendações comerciais diárias, semanais e mensais para ajudar você a começar e até mesmo fornecer níveis de entrada e saída exatos para todas as suas sugestões comerciais diárias. A idéia é que você tenha a oportunidade de ganhar enquanto aprende, copiando seus negócios e vendo o que faz uma boa configuração com base na estratégia que ele ensina.
Uma parte fundamental deste curso é o acesso ao fórum do membro, que tem centenas de membros ativos, todos negociando a estratégia que Andrew ensina. Os membros compartilham screenshots de seus negócios e também há uma caixa de bate-papo ao vivo para discutir sua negociação com os outros em tempo real. Andrew e Paul Tilman (representante dos EUA de Andrew e ex-cliente exitoso) são muito ativos nos fóruns e estão dispostos a oferecer seus conselhos e conhecimentos. o suporte contínuo é excelente.
Você também obtém acesso a webinars semanais ao vivo com este curso. Andrew hospeda o webinar baseado na Nova Zelândia e Paul oferece um webinar ao vivo durante a sessão dos EUA, então, onde quer que esteja no mundo, você deve ter acesso a um ou a ambos. Eles são extremamente benéficos, onde os negócios previamente realizados são analisados ​​(bons e ruins), bem como a oportunidade de trocar em tempo real, em tempo real e fazer as perguntas que você possa ter relacionadas com o curso.
Todo o webinar é gravado e disponibilizado na área do membro, por isso, mesmo se você sentir falta de um, você pode vê-lo mais tarde, conforme sua conveniência. O arquivo de webinar remonta a 2010, então é um monte de aulas incluídas no curso!
O que eu direi é que você precisará dar algum tempo neste compromisso e seu compromisso total. Não espere completar e, de repente, ganhe muito dinheiro. Este é o comércio de Forex do mundo real e não é um esquema rápido e rico, de fato, é exatamente o contrário.
Com baixo risco por comércio e uma estratégia consistente, há a oportunidade de aumentar sua conta ao longo do tempo, mas tendo em mente que você precisará de um tamanho de conta maior para ver retornos maiores e eu sempre recomendaria negociar uma conta demo até dominar qualquer nova estratégia.
Tudo em tudo isso é um curso muito abrangente com excelente suporte ao cliente. Todas as s são respondidas prontamente e há um site detalhado de Ajuda e FAQ que cobre todas as questões relacionadas ao curso que você possa ter. É difícil pensar que existe um curso melhor lá em relação ao apoio contínuo que você recebe de Andrew e da equipe.
Eu certamente estou feliz com a qualidade e conteúdo do curso e não tenho nenhuma reserva em recomendar o ônibus de negociação Forex para outros que procuram uma boa educação comercial forex. Como todos os novos empreendimentos, você vai sair do que você colocou no & # 8230; e então esteja preparado para uma curva de aprendizado íngreme e muito compromisso. Você precisa se mostrar apaixonado por negociar se você for sério sobre ganhar dinheiro no longo prazo e aceitar que o sucesso não aconteça durante a noite. Este não é um curso que promete que você pode desistir do seu trabalho diário em breve!
Andrew e Paul são o verdadeiro negócio, não há BS aqui. Se você é sério sobre como aprender a negociar com sucesso a longo prazo, então esse é o curso para você. Definitivamente valeu o investimento e estou feliz em dar 5 estrelas.
Gostaria pessoalmente de agradecer Andrew e Paul por uma excelente experiência de aprendizagem até agora.
Worthing, Reino Unido, 9 de agosto de 2017.
Foi cerca de 1 ano desde que entrei para o curso Andrews. Eu tive que assistir o curso algumas vezes para realmente deixar tudo sincronizar no meu cérebro. No começo eu notei que comentei alguns erros e perdi um pouco de dinheiro. A razão pela qual eu estava perdendo um pouco de dinheiro era porque eu estava me deixando levar e não seguindo as regras de Andrews. Uma vez que entendi melhor sua estratégia, percebi os lucros ligeiros apenas porque eu estava negociando com uma conta tão pequena. Uma coisa que eu aprendi foi que você tem que colocar o tempo na educação que ele fornece. Se você seguir seu curso na ordem certa e cumpri-lo e se comprometer com a negociação, então você se tornará um comerciante lucrativo. Assim como qualquer outra coisa na vida, você terá seus bons dias e seus dias ruins. O mesmo se aplica ao comércio também, mas, em geral, você terá mais bons dias. Eu achei que Andrew era um professor útil, se houvesse algo que eu não entendia bem, eu iria mandá-lo e ele voltaria para mim bastante rápido. Eu recomendo o curso Andrews para quem quer que tenha a mentalidade correta. Se você quer ganhar dinheiro rapidamente e desistir do seu trabalho e todas essas coisas, então não sugiro o curso para você. Mas se você pode encontrar paixão pelo comércio e esperar que o primeiro par de meses seja abit para cima e para baixo, mas, a longo prazo, tornar-se lucrativo, então sugiro que este curso seja para você. Breve história é um processo estável.
Austrália, 28 de julho de 2017.
Queria agradecer por um excelente curso e estratégia. Eu tenho negociado por cerca de 7 anos, em todos os arranjos. Nunca fui consistentemente lucrativo.
Inscrevi-me no início de 2017 e este mês será o meu 5º mês lucrativo consecutivo. Um primeiro para mim.
Estou com uma média entre 3% e 5%, o que, a partir do que eu leio, é sobre a média para os comerciantes rentáveis.
Uso o seu conjunto diário e esqueço os sinais, assim como semanalmente e mensalmente e também troquei o EURGBP Breakout pela segunda-feira.
Eu também uso os robôs do Ivo, que são os negócios de negociação de contraparte da sua estratégia e coloco algumas das minhas próprias negociações com base na ação do preço, no retracement e na continuação da tendência.
Todos os meus negócios estão em 0,25% & # 8211; 0,5% de risco, os negócios de negociação com contador estão com 1% de risco.
Tal como acontece com todas as operações de forex, existem perdedores, mas acho que o gerenciamento de risco e o planejamento do risco para recompensa garante resultados lucrativos.
Agora, para escalar isso até o comércio a tempo inteiro e # 8230; 🙂
Auckland, Nova Zelândia, 25 de julho de 2017.
Obrigado Andrew. Ótimo curso de Forex. Profissional, informativo, simplificado e fácil de seguir.
Nova Zelândia, 16 de julho de 2017.
Tendo realizado alguns cursos de Forex no último ano, eu tropecei com Andrew Mitchem e seu curso Forex Trading Coach. Eu me inscrevi no mês passado e em 4 semanas eu aprendi mais & # 8220; relevante & # 8221; informações do que eu no ano anterior e em uma fração do custo do último curso que tomei. Eu tinha atingido uma parede de tijolos com o último curso, não conseguiria mais nada. Eu podia me ver rapidamente tornando-se um comerciante Break Even, na melhor das hipóteses. Como um iniciante relativo, queria obter o treinamento certo a partir do Off. O curso é apresentado de forma muito simples e é muito fácil de entrar. O fato de estar no vídeo significa que você pode voltar sobre coisas que você não conseguiu pela primeira vez e vê-lo novamente e, se necessário, novamente e novamente. Se você ainda não consegue entender isso, basta enviar um e-mail para Andrew e você terá a resposta dentro de 24 horas. Como é refrescante, o próprio chefe está disponível para você, incrível, hoje em dia. Esta maneira de ensinar é a única maneira, você não pode dar errado, você não precisa se preocupar se perder alguma coisa, basta pausar, rebobinar e reproduzir. Andrew é um professor fabuloso, ele realmente é. Veja por si mesmo e pegue seu rápido Vídeo de Estratégia de Vela Engulfing, isso lhe dará uma idéia de como ele ensina, o resto do curso se move ao mesmo ritmo com a mesma vibração. Mesmo neste estágio inicial, isso é como o melhor $ que já gastei e em apenas dois negócios diários (todo o meu trabalho e não as sugestões de Andrew) Eu fiz o custo do curso de volta em apenas 18 horas. Eu sinto que fechei uma metade do comércio e agora não posso perder, agora é um curso gratuito para mim. Não me interpretem mal. Eu tive muitas perdas, as perdas são realmente importantes e você aprenderá mais com as perdas do que você ganhará. Nas últimas semanas, aprendi muito e foi a experiência mais agradável. Andrew é muito receptivo. Eu literalmente acabei de receber uma resposta dele de um que enviei há 45 minutos atrás. Estou em Londres, ele está na NZ, a diferença horária não é um problema (pensei que seria, realmente não é). Devido aos compromissos de trabalho, não tive tempo para assistir a nenhum webinário ainda, mas não importa, posso vê-los no meu próprio horário através do seu site. Pessoal é um pacote sensacional, um pacote apropriado de 5 * para 2 * dólares. Eu quase não escrevi esta revisão, porque não quero que mais alguém a conheça e # 8230; .. Conheço inglês egoísta e # 8230; .. mas quando algo está bem, tem que ser compartilhado. Andrew, se você está lendo isso, obrigado, é um curso brilhante, você é um treinador principal e eu estou amando cada pouco disso & # 8230; & # 8230; Não mexa sobre caras, Andrew é o verdadeiro negócio!
Londres, Reino Unido, 1 de maio de 2017.
Antes de me inscrever no curso de Andrews, leio todos os comentários aqui, incluindo os comentários negativos. Apesar dos comentários negativos e porque lá onde tantas avaliações positivas me inscrevi.
Estou muito satisfeito por ter feito!
Eu acho que todo comerciante concordará, há muito mais para ser um comerciante bem sucedido do que apenas completar um curso e que não há um sistema infalível!
Você tem que aprender a tomar o áspero com o bom e manter a negociação. As pessoas declararam neste fórum que não há como validar seus negócios diários. Isso pode ser verdade, eu não sei!
Posso dizer-lhe isso, porém, antes de começar a trocar uma conta ao vivo com o sistema Andrews, segui suas sugestões diárias por alguns meses. Fiquei feliz com o que vi.
Em seguida, analisei os negócios anteriores nas sugestões diárias durante os 6 meses anteriores à minha revisão inicial.
O primeiro comércio do mês foi um vencedor. Então, 8 perdas seguidas!
Você pode imaginar que muitas pessoas diriam que este sistema é S *** e saia, solicite um reembolso ou escreva uma revisão ruim deste site.
No entanto, se eles tivessem mantido e seguiram o plano de negociação, eles teriam terminado o mês com um forte retorno positivo.
Não é sobre isso o comércio?
Andrews tem muito a oferecer. Este é definitivamente não um pegue seu dinheiro e siga o curso!
Andrew dedica muito esforço. Ele tem uma atitude em relação ao ensino, que é uma abordagem muito importante para orientar e ajudar os alunos ao longo do caminho para o sucesso.
Além do material do curso, existem agora web seminários semanais ao vivo com Q & amp; A durante e no final. s e consultas são respondidas com muita rapidez (ajuda que eu estou no mesmo fuso horário a esse respeito).
No geral, eu sou muito por favor, me inscrevi no curso e considero um ótimo investimento em mim e no meu futuro.
Não tenho reservas ao recomendar este curso.
Keith Newton.
Queensland, Austrália, 30 de abril de 2017.
Eu tentei muitos provedores de treinamento FX diferentes perdendo vários anos e mais dinheiro do que eu gostaria de admitir. Então encontrei o site Andrews e tudo mudou. Meu futuro financeiro agora parece brilhante graças a Andrew e seus times ajudam. Para sempre agradecido por ter tropeçado em seu site.
Stephen Patterson.
Gold Coast, Austrália, 30 de março de 2017.
Comecei com o curso de Andrew em outubro de 2016, tendo ouvido seus podcasts como um preenchimento rápido, já que são apenas cerca de 6 minutos, desde 2014. completei o curso on-line de Andrew em cerca de 2 semanas e achei que este era um excelente e bem montado conjunto de leitura e videoclipes, reforçando as palavras que acabas de ler. Esta foi uma abordagem refrescante e útil para entender melhor os conceitos que são ensinados.
Depois de 8 anos de ter o Forex como meu hobby, tendo passado o círculo completo e visto, testado e testado a maioria das abordagens, com a ajuda de Andrew, tudo está se juntando bem.
Eu tomei dois cursos anteriores que também eram bons, um em 2009 que era um método de pin-bar. Isso ensinou boa filosofia de negociação, bem como um bom gerenciamento de riscos e foi útil, além de tomar um outro curso de Tendência Seguindo de um conhecido podcaster, isso também foi bom, mas novamente eu estava perdendo a capacidade de juntar uma abordagem comercial bem-sucedida. Na maior parte dos casos, na maioria dos casos, não conseguiria chegar ao longo dos anos, frustrantemente, não conseguia chegar ao estágio consistentemente lucrativo.
Trabalhar em Londres e ter uma vida ocupada é bastante desafiante. Utilizo a viagem de trem para ouvir as gravações de webinar, estas foram de duas em duas semanas, embora, nesta semana, Andrew tenha um dos seus comerciantes ensinados com sucesso, Paul, tendo um webinar durante a sessão dos EUA, em vez de ter Andrew durante a sessão NZ. Isso agora significa um webinar ao vivo todas as quintas-feiras e a gravação é então adicionada ao site de Andrew no dia seguinte.
O curso de Andrew reuniu tudo o que eu vi e tentei ao longo dos anos, mas simplesmente não consegui alcançar onde eu sabia que poderia conseguir. Eu ainda estou facinated com o seguinte Forex e vários dos índices que eu sigo. O curso de Andrew me deu a abordagem lógica e consistente que eu não tinha conseguido me encontrar.
Andrew dá os indicadores e scripts necessários que você precisa seguir a abordagem simples, mas considerada que ele ensina, então essa foi a rota para o que está mostrando ser o que eu pensei que não seria possível, meu próprio mini-santo graal.
Estou com 9,15% este mês (duas semanas) até agora e estou satisfeito com a forma como estou progredindo. Isto é de 21 trocas realizadas nos gráficos D1 e H1, com um.
Muito obrigado até agora, espero o futuro sucesso comercial!
Londres, Reino Unido, 11 de março de 2017.
Curso impressionante, aprendi muito e estou fazendo ganhos pequenos e consistentes enquanto eu estou trabalhando com uma conta $ 200.
O curso oferece uma visão de indicadores e como essa combinação única de Andrew funciona para sua vantagem. Também todos os dias ele envia uma atualização sobre a força / fraqueza do par de moedas e alguns sinais comerciais diários que são bem sucedidos.
Ruchira Gunatillake.
Orange Country, EUA, 20 de fevereiro de 2017.
Mate Eu estou amando este curso apenas fora da minha conta Cmc que você me fez £ 1000 em dois dias não posso dizer, obrigado o suficiente, eu tenho um melhor entendimento sobre as velas ainda tem muito mais para assistir e receber todas as informações você tem aqui.
Middlesex, Reino Unido, 5 de fevereiro de 2017.
Já fiz cerca de US $ 700 ou a metade do custo do curso em 4 dias de negociação do seu sistema. US $ 200 do período de tempo Diário e o resto na quinta-feira à tarde horário do Havaí, tabelas de sessão asiática de 1 hora.
Landon-Blue Kekuewa.
Honolulu, Havaí, 31 de janeiro de 2017.
Eu me tornei membro há cerca de 6 meses e trabalhei no meu caminho. É muito abrangente e bem estruturado & # 8230 ;. um trabalho muito profissional # 8230 ;. bem feito !
Stephen Hunt.
Ashford, Reino Unido, 15 de dezembro de 2016.
Se você quer ser um comerciante de forex bem sucedido e crescer sua conta forex, então não pense duas vezes em comprar este curso, pois será a melhor decisão e investimento que você pode fazer. O apoio após o curso é excepcionalmente ótimo e Andrew é muito receptivo para cada aspecto do treinamento, você terá apenas milhares de boas palavras para dizer.
Utah, EUA, 11 de outubro de 2016.
Tenho sido cliente de Andrew Mitchem há 3 meses, seu curso me ajudou a ganhar conhecimento e entender muito melhor sobre o mercado Forex. Suas estratégias realmente me ajudaram a chegar onde eu queria estar, e isso é lucrativo.
Estou muito agradecido por me inscrever para o seu curso e ver os resultados. Eu recomendo pessoas que estão lutando com o Mercado Forex para se inscreverem no curso se gostariam de ser educadas.
Canberra, Austrália, 5 de outubro de 2016.
Eu tive experiência passada com negociação forex antes e como a maioria dos comerciantes que começaram eu consegui a velocidade wobbles tornou-se arrogante e caiu. Neste ponto, que foi há mais de 10 anos, eu deixei a troca, mas eu sempre pensei em voltar para ele e pensei que os mercados me devia, o que é um enorme erro. Ao decidir começar minha jornada de negociação novamente, procurei alguém no meu país que teve sucesso como comerciante. Eu encontrei esse amável tio chamado Andrew Mitchem e leio seu livro em uma noite, que é uma excelente narração de como ele começou, seus altos e baixos através de sua carreira comercial. O que gostei de Andrew é a sua transparência e a sua paixão de ver os outros terem sucesso, o comércio para todos é diferente e a minha percepção é fazer excelentes negócios com a sua estratégia comercial, esquecer o aspecto do dinheiro e desfrutar do seu comércio e de tudo o que é um Por produto disso, você poderá alcançar seus objetivos. Ter Andrew como mentor e um treinador é fantástico, ele responde às suas perguntas e cuida seu estábulo de estudantes. Nós temos um fórum on-line onde publicamos nossas configurações e pensamentos comerciais e é um meio fantástico para aprender e crescer com alguns comerciantes fantásticos publicando regularmente. E, numa base quinzenal, temos uma sala de negociação de webinar colocando transações ao vivo, uma ótima maneira de ver as configurações de comércio e aprender as habilidades necessárias para se tornar bem sucedido. Se você está se tornando um comerciante, recomenda TheForexTradingCoach como um lugar fantástico para aprender e prosperar neste mercado impressionante. Be prepared to put time and effort in and accept you are an apprentice and you will along with Andrews guidance and knowledge become the trader you want to be.
Brent Walsh.
Ellerslie, Auckland, New Zealand, 15th September 2016.
Since joining your course I have learnt a great deal in the forex markets.
I was always under the impression that trading was high risk so I did not explore the realm for some time.
Now I realize the beauty in forex trading and I believe it is the best way you can replace your income.
I am very happy you did not give up after 4 years at trying to work it all out you have made it that much easier for thousands of people around the world to understand including myself.
You continue to show your professionalism through your quick response times to my s and I have enjoyed comparing my weakness and strength against your which are now almost identical which has given me great confidence in moving forward with a live trading account.
Keep up the great work and I hope that one day in the not too distant future we can meet in person.
Daniel Upton.
Australia, 15th September 2016.
Many things comes our way without us taking the time to reflect or even give credit when it is due. It is the fast pace of life that we live in. The reason I wanted to drop a line here is to thank you for the Friday's trade last week. I think you do a trade plan as good as your flight plan and this is not strange from an expert like you.
The Friday's trade, most of them turn in the direction you indicated giving me and other traders a cutting edge in trading without a doubt. you have left nothing to guessing.
Again, thank you for this outstanding service.
Adel AlAboud.
Doha, Qatar, 12th September 2016.
I take your daily recommendations and use your teachings on the 4 hour charts.
Besides that I have been trading the 15 minute candles with another short-term strategy. On the daily and 4 hour charts I risk 0.5% as you recommend.
On the 15 minute charts I only risk 0.25% right now. I may go to 0.5% in the future.
Well, in these last 5 days of trading (no trades Sunday and Monday because of NF Payroll and US holiday) I am ahead by 10.75%
I just wanted to share this with you. A huge part of the results are thanks to you and what you've taught me.
Chris Miller.
St. Cloud, Florida, USA, 9th September 2016.
I have been busy with my happy life but still always daily check your FPA Daily strength and weakness reports and check out your ideas. I am still trading your strategies with great success and averaging 1% per week with this week 1.7%.
I'm sorry to say you have taught me well so no need to sign up to the membership any more.
John Alberghini.
Perth, Australia, 5th September 2016.
I first done Andrews course back in 2012 and my goal was “simple” & # 8211; be a full time trader.
It's now 2016 and I can finally say I've done it.
I trade full time now and have quit my full time job as an engineer.
Yes, it has taken me more time that I initially planned (me – optimist), but I could not have done it without Andrew.
I still regularly go over his course material to improve my trading.
If you are serious about your trading career Andrew is your mentor.
On top of that Andrew is a great, approachable guy that will always respond to your questions and give you his advice.
Jul 23, 2012 – 5 Stars I was struggling with my trading for about 3 years, done other trading courses, bought trading systems and robots, but was not getting anywhere.
Then 6 months ago I found Andrew course reviews on FPA and decided to give Forex the one last go with Andrews course and I’m so glad I did.
Ever since I joined Andrews course 6 months ago, my trading has been getting better and better week after week. Finally I have 2 positive months in row.
We all know how hard trading is so don’t expect a get rich quick scheme here, but with lot of hard work and a mentor like Andrew you will have the best possible chance of succeeding in this tough market.
After struggling for so long I can finally see my goal, been a full time trader, in my sight.
Thank You, Andrew.
Dublin, Ireland, 1st September 2016.
I initially invested in TheForexTradingCoach in 2012. Notice that I said Invested, because I never considered it an expense or a cost. It has been an investment based on the returns that I have generated by following Andrew's training. I have just recently retired from a very demanding career that involved a minimum of sixty hours a week plus travel, which certainly impacted the available time to trade. Also had some health issues that slowed me down. Since I've been away from trading for a while, I'm very anxious to pick up where I left off. My plans are to begin at the “Start Here” point and completely review the entire program for any tweaks that may have been introduced. I can't over emphasize to new members of TheForexTradingCoach the importance of reading and studying all sections of the training in the order of presentation. Actually, the information is so well developed and presented that I'm looking forward to the task-at-hand (there is a direct correlation between time invested in studying and return on investment). In addition, I have always been impressed with the immediate attention I've received from Andrew and his professional staff. TheForexTradingCoach provides all that a person requires in order to become a successful forex trader.
My best regards from the Lone Star state,
Gary McGee.
Texas, USA, 5th August 2016.
I have been interested in the potential opportunity offered by Forex trading for a few years but, in the absence of a structured learning path and very limited free time to wade through the masses of unstructured information on the Internet, my interest had never – to my frustration – progressed beyond just that.
Then, several months ago, I stumbled upon Andrew's website, began listening avidly to his podcasts and then eventually, quietly participated in one of his free webinars for beginners.
To be honest, even though I had found all the free content that Andrew offers to be genuinely informative and very well presented, I was still a little hesitant of making the financial commitment to his online video course. As much as anything else, even if the course itself didn't disappoint and despite my long-held interest in the subject and desire to learn more, I was wary of whether my own commitment would carry through and justify the investment.
However, it is now about 4 weeks since I subscribed and whilst it is very, very early days in terms of my learning, personal development and hopefully eventual success, I have absolutely no regrets about committing to Andrew's course. The materials are extensive, engaging, very thorough and presented in a structured self-paced learning format. Beyond this, though, is the personalised approach to everything and the rapid and genuinely helpful response to any queries. I also find that the daily trading suggestions are a great way to advance my learning in a real-world context, by reverse engineering how Andrew has arrived at them in the first place.
It remains to be seen whether I will achieve my goal of becoming a consistently profitable Forex trader but I feel confident that I am at least following a viable path with an excellent mentor and fully recommend the course to anyone that is in a similar position to myself.
Simon Guest.
Tauranga, New Zealand, 20th July 2016.
I have been involved in Andrew's training and trading for over 5 years. With his methods, and training around all areas, it has assisted me in now trading for myself full time successfully, and would recommend anyone to Andrew, and his training methods, if they are looking for a long term, sustainable way of trading FX.
Stefan Vujcich.
Auckland, New Zealand, 20th May 2016.
I have had an awesome week! When the GBP started gaining strength I noticed it early Wednesday morning my time and was able to get in on that early with several pairs. Even though it seemed to me like the month was starting sluggish, I have made excellent returns and am up about 17% on the account for the month (this for me is an achievement). I have noticed a very distinct change in my trading. This has been my best month since starting your course in January. I have had several epiphanies along the way but I attribute my progress and confidence to you and your great course.
Texas, USA, 20th May 2016.
I have finished the day with a whopping 15.94% profit.
Lucia Boling.
Ringwood East, Australia, 29th April 2016.
I listen to your podcast each week, and joined up some months ago.
I have been consistently profitable for about 4 months.
Stan Adamson.
McDowall, Australia, 20th April 2016.
Hi Andrew, I’m very happy with the results so far as I am up over 10% since the start of March on a live account.
Alex Gallagher.
Canada, 15th April 2016.
Thanks for the follow up. Wish I had known about you last year, it would have saved me about 400 hours of frustrating study time 🙂
I now see the potential of become a successful trader with time, continuing in the discipline I've learned on your course.
ATM since I work full time, the daily and weekly chart setups suits me the most.
Looking forward to the live webinar tomorrow.
Thanks for a great course, the benefits far our weighs the cost of the course 🙂
Ricky Joseph.
Hawthron East, Australia, 13th April 2016.
I stumbled onto FOREX while looking for a way to supplement my income in an interesting and challenging way. I have had no prior experience trading in any market. This being the case I needed to learn the most basic of concepts because I literally had never seen this stuff in my life. I guess like many people I looked all over YouTube trying to find out as much as I could and this is how I located Andrew Mitchem. I actually found out about his trading coach program while viewing many of his podcasts. I immediately gravitated towards his “straight forward” way of explaining ideas. After viewing several of his videos I decided to contact him and I wasted no time signing up. I had never read a single review or recommendation about Andrew before and quite frankly I rarely write any either. However, I am compelled to do so in this case because becoming a client of Andrew Mitchem was one of the best financial decisions that I have ever made. The benefits that I have gained far outweigh the cost. I have been a member since around the last week of December 2015. I opened a live account in January 2016 and in less than two months I feel confident identifying good trades and have had great success. I originally thought that it was going to take me three years to learn how to become a good trader but after having come across Andrew, I have the confidence through his guidance and support to believe that I am getting there a lot faster than I thought. If you really want to put your trading into high gear without going through all of the trials and tribulations, don’t reinvent the wheel. This was my philosophy when considering going the long road alone and doing discovery learning or paying a bit now to saving a lot down the road by expediting the learning process. Some of the many benefits I have encountered with Andrews program include:
1) Quality instruction through videos and practical examples.
2) Andrew is accessible, he always s me back promptly.
3) For people new to FOREX (like me) the course layout is beneficial in that it starts with fundamentals.
4) The website for the course is very easy to follow and there is a flow that is logical.
5) I almost feel guilty for not asking questions but the material is so thorough you can find everything you need through the videos or help desk.
6) Andrew provides daily trades and currency strength and weakness analysis promptly every day. His work ethic is impeccable.
7) There are webinars on a regular basis where live trades take place. The recorded webinars are a gold mine! Although I have never participated in a live one yet because of the time difference here in Texas, I watch the recordings the very next day. I plan on viewing every single recorded webinar and they go back to around 2010. This is where you can learn so much. I do plan on attending webinars in the future.
8) This is a full training course that gives you everything you need to learn how to be a good trader.
I am grateful to have found Andrew’s program first because it has saved me time, money, and most of all given me the confidence that one needs to be a good trader. I plan on being a permanent client of Andrews and hope this review is helpful to anyone that is looking for a very practical and efficient way to learn how to become a FOREX trader.
Thank you Andrew!
Texas, USA, 16th February 2016.
I never write reviews this will be my first one. But Andrews course really does merit a excellent review for me having been trading on and off for nearly 10yrs and have seen a lot of courses and systems and get rich quick schemes this I can promise is not one of them quite simply Andrews course is logical straight forward no frills but extremely powerfull and if you put in the time to learn and most important stick to the system you will make money. He will give you some fish, but most importantly he will teach you to catch your own. I will be a full time trader next year thanks to this course.
Exmoor, United Kingdom, 15th December 2015.
I never write reviews this will be my first one. But Andrews course really does merit a excellent review for me having been trading on and off for nearly 10yrs and have seen a lot of courses and systems and get rich quick schemes this I can promise is not one of them quite simply Andrews course is logical straight forward no frills but extremely powerfull and if you put in the time to learn and most important stick to the system you will make money. He will give you some fish, but most importantly he will teach you to catch your own. I will be a full time trader next year thanks to this course.
Exmoor, United Kingdom, 15th December 2015.
1 Year member… 243.17% real profit….
Yes this is true. I joined his great coaching method 1 year ago. My goal was simple: become profitable. But after 2 months of practice (1 month on demo and 1 month live with a small amount) i decided to trade with a big account. Ever since i had no losing month. But i stick to the rules. I trade only the safest method, on the pullback for better RR ratio's. With his great and simple strategy i trade the H1, D1, W1 and MN timeframes successfully. Max 6% risk per basket.
Here is what i have to say about the complete service;
& # 8211; Simple member area.
& # 8211; Simple to use indicators.
& # 8211; Daily trade suggestion ready to copy and paste.
& # 8211; Acces to all webinars.
& # 8211; Acces to al the documentation.
& # 8211; Step by step guide to trade his strategy.
& # 8211; Andrew reply's quick on s by himself.
The thing is, in the beginning i was a bit skeptical to be honest. Tried a lot of strategies in the past. Muito! But this one simply works. BUT, it only works if you trade by the rules and be consistent. Consistent means also continuing after losses by the same rules as explained! I hoped for a 15% net gain a year… That would be great! Many top bankers delivers an average of +15% a year, consistent. But hey… i generated 16 times more than that in 1 year with an average RR ratio of 1 : 3.12! My trackrecord was noticed by my broker and since 2 months i give workshops and seminars!? But i give all the credits to Andrew. I'm not writing this comment to convince other traders but simply to thank Andrew in public.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9th December 2015.
I joined The Forex Trading Course 2 years ago and I would say the course is the best, very easy to follow and Andrew is very professional guy and above all he is highly recommendable. I' give him Five Stars.
Anne Sadang.
Te Aroha, New Zealand, 29th November 2015.
I signed up for Andrew’s course only about 3 weeks ago, but I’m so impressed that I’d like to add my voice to the chorus of glowing reviews.
The course provides what I feel is great value for money. Earlier this year I paid almost twice as much for one which gave me less than half what Andrew delivers.
The indicators, templates etc are worth heaps to me as they help to demystify charts, making it so much easier to read price action and identify all the chart features I need to become familiar with.
The training itself is excellent. It covers all the important things, with no fluff, in an easy to follow and digest way. Andrew’s explanations are clear and I really enjoy his teaching style. Even ‘scary’ tasks like setting up the software is made painless and stress-free. The system he teaches is not difficult, but does seem to make a lot of sense.
The fortnightly webinar, which I attended for the first time last week, was first-rate in the quality and quantity of training it gave. These webinars, and all the past recordings, will be a great way for me to improve my skills and keep me on the right track.
Add to this that I can follow Andrew’s daily trades as an additional teaching tool and that he is so accessible – he has replied to all my questions within a few hours – and I truly believe that at last I’ve got an all-round package that will help me become a good trader. I’m not expecting this to happen overnight of course - wouldn’t it be lovely if it could – but I can see a light at the end of the (now much shorter) tunnel.
I know it’s a cliche, but I really do wish I’d discovered Andrew earlier, before wasting my money and time on the other course which cost heaps more and left me frustrated and bumbling around in the dark without the ongoing support I needed.
I haven’t started consistently trading Andrew’s system yet (early days), but plan to very soon and will post future reviews with my results.
For all the reasons above, I’m happy to recommend Andrew’s course without hesitation. I’d also like to thank Andrew for helping me to feel confident and enthusiastic about trading again.
Samantha Mainardi.
Melbourne, Australia, 3rd October 2015.
People are saying that you can not teach an old dog new tricks. What I am saying, a good Master can do just that.
You see, I am an earthling left from the Stone Age, who used ink for doing homework for many years, before the Hungarian Biro gave us the present of the biro pen.
I worked very hard in all my life, so I did not have time to earn enough money to be able to achieve all my goals (not selfish ones). Then one day, not very long ago, I heard about the Japanese housewives who earned income from trading the forex market. Looked at it and dived into it. Attended free and paid courses, learned a lot, but not enough, lost money on a short lived live account, and no success. But when you are made of hard rubber, you would never give up. It does not matter, how many times you are knocked down, you are up again. Deeper the pit, stronger the spring to get up. Then one day:
Luckily I heard about Andrew Michem’s “The Forex Trading Coach” course and sometime after signed up. Yes, it was a lot of money for me to join the course, but not as much as other coaches would charge for their not so successful trading methods.
So, back to the good Master. Andrew’s attitude to his clients, his teaching method, his trading system, his numerous proprietary trading tools, his daily trading suggestions, the fortnightly live webinars for his clients, his easy availability by or phone for your questions, is priceless.
Yes, you have to work hard, it is only you who can make it. But all the helping material is there for you. All his past five years fortnightly webinars with heaps of information with client’s questions answered. Goldmine.
What I can say is, even as a Stone Age leftover, I AM ON THE RIGHT ROAD FOR SUCCESS.
Thank you Andrew!
Melbourne, Australia, 31st August 2015.
I have been a member of TFTC since January 2015. The first few months my trading has been erratic and my account did emulate my performance. With perseverance and continual support and patience from Andrew over the last 11 weeks my account has gained 27.8%. I have added to my account over time and now I use my trading account as part of my income. I still work part time in the work force by only by choice. I am very happy with what I have learnt from Andrew's course and quite frankly after reading some other peoples comments my only assumption is that these people want a hail mary system. Well people, there is no such thing. If you don't wish to pay or risk monies to grow an income you may as well leave your money in your bank and forget about looking at Forex. Forex is a business same as any other business. Controlling risk and emotion in any business can generate a return. I aim for 1% per week but with Andrews strategy and systems I gain this easily. I make less trades these days and some times after monday I don't even trade for the rest of the week as my target plus some has been hit. For those still unsure about the business of trading, I emplore you to contact Andrew and discuss your fears and he will do everything to help you not only improve your trading but also improve yourself. He is that type of guy. You will work out for yourself if Forex is for you. The cost of Andrew's course and the investment into a Forex business is way less than a conventional business and that was what attracted me. I have spent more than enough on other courses for much more monies and they all worked well but not for me at those times. Andrew has helped me with my emotional side of trading and garnished the risk reward trading emphasis understanding which works if you follow the rules.
Thanks again Andrew and keep it up.
currently in Shanghai, Australia, 25th August 2015.
I've been trading for 8 years – started news trading with Felix in the Forex diamonds group and really have had limited to no trading success since then.
I've wiped out my account many times and each time had to ride the emotional roller coaster of feeling like a failure and have people say “I told you so – you're gambling your money away etc.”
But I could see the potential and benefits of being a profitable trader and knew the formula was out there somewhere – like Neo in the movie “The Matrix” & # 8211; I took the blue pill and dove into Andrew's course.
My results have been staggering! I wish I had this knowledge when I started – I'd have retired years ago!
Proper money management and risk/reward strategies alongside understanding high probability trades, entry and exit points have meant for the first time I'm consistently profitable. I also can take multiple losses without stressing out because I have my risk under control and when I'm on the winning side of trades I make 2 to 3 times the risk taken.
My strategy is to set a few trades on the daily chart and then check once or twice during the day from my phone because I work a full time job. Perfect! No Stress – Profits.
Andrew is also a really responsive – if you need him or have a question he replies very quickly.
I highly recommend this course if like me, you find yourself struggling to make consistent profits and are searching for the answer.
Cape Town, South Africa, 1st June 2015.
Thousand of words to say about the course i have taken from my coach Mr Andrew Mitchem – The Coach of “The Forex Trading Coach””.
WOW…WOW….WOW…. the ‘’MOST FANTASTIC COURSE’’ ! It is the best and the most amazing course compare all the courses i have taken before.
I have trading in forex about 4 years and i have taken 3 courses from 3 different level of traders (Full time trader, Guru and Professional Trader). And i bought some trading text books too.
During this 4 years, of course i have learned a lot of trading strategy, trading rules, trading psychology, risk rewards and so on….. But unfortunately, i am still a person very struggling, frustrating, stress and always keep losing and losing until i have wiped out my trading account more than 10 fingers times ! I lost a lot of money, USD 2x, xxx++. Really feel bad and sad when wipe out my account everytime.. But, i never give up, i love forex very much and very passion to trading forex. And my goal is to be a successful full time trader.
To achieve my goal, i am keep looking around for better course to improve myself. Finally, i have found The Forex Trading Coach!
BUT, i did not join the course instantly! Due to the past 4 years experience, now at this time i was very careful and think deeply before take the course. Because i dont want to waste my time and money anymore…
At first, i was scared by the course fee and also scared by a user from UK who wrote his review about this course! He was talked badly about this course and i was really scared by him and not confidence to join the course. But, not to give up the course like that, i searched more information and did more judgement to this course.
SIM! Finally i make my decision to take the course from Mr Andrew Mitchem, the Coach from The Forex Trading Coach. I have found the important information as below :
(1) The Forex Trading Coach was rated 5 stars by FPA.
(2) Mr Andrew Mitchem is a Special Consultant to FPA.
(3) Most of the review which written by his students get rated by 5 Stars. (So i see majority feedback to the course but not by a user only from UK.)
(4) Mr Andrew Mitchem give me a great confidence and answered me that : “ Yes! Sure you can become a successful trader if you take my course!” (I have asked him a question: Can i become a successful full time trader? Different from i have asked from a forex trainer before, he said to me: i will teach you all the course but success is depend on you!)
(5) Do not waste my time anymore, i need a real and good coach who can really assist and guide me all the way to my trading success journey.
This course is really a fantastic course because after i have taken the course, my trading skill and knowledge have improved a lot and i have became more patiently to wait for a good set up appear before place a trade. And now i will not glued myself to the computer screen anymore! i was totally changed my trading habit after taken this course… Now a day, i just place few trades a day and walk away from the screen. No more itchy finger and i become very confidence after taken this course! My trading account start to grow and i am making profit now. There is “Secret of Success” inside this course. The course have a good trading system which you can easily look for good trading set up signal and it is really easy and simple. Simple create effectiveness! One of the secret inside the course is “where i should place a entry, where to set take profit and stop loss”. Wow…. Amazing course!
Besides that Mr Andrew is a very good Coach and a patient person to teaching and answering all of my questions. He is also a very experienced Professional Trader and Coach where the way he was organizing his course and the way he guide and teach us. He put Money Management in the first topic of the course because he want his students have good money management before carry on the course, as he know mostly trader’s big problem are dont have good money management, greedy and always overtrade. Although this course fee is 2k, now i felt that it is really worth! One of the reason the course is really worth because we have 24 times of live trading webinar in a year where we can discuss, asking all the questions we have and the most important is that we can see lively HOW a real Professional Trader and Coach analysis the chart and then place a trade with confidence in front of us. Mr Andrew Mitchem was showing us his real live account and showing us his trades too. He is honest, sincere and responsible to us. Only good Coach and not selfish person willing to do that in front of his students. I am not regret to take this course and it is 100% Worth! And i believe my goal will achieve very soon… Thank you very much, Mr Andrew Mitchem.
For New Bie and Struggling Trader, like me before.. ..NEVER MISS UP this course. You will BELIEVE and AGREE what i have said in my review after you have take this course and attend the live trading webinar….. Cheers…. All the best in trading….
Kent in Malaysia.
3.51% gain on account for the week. Done by lunchtime on Thursday (didn't trade till the webinar yesterday).
Obrigado pela ajuda.
UK, 29th May 2015.
Been struggling for 2yrs to be profitable. Working through Andrew's video course and following his easy system for identifying candle patterns, I am just over 2% up on my account after 2 days of trading! Im more confident about taking trades because I know WHY Im taking them. And very importantly, I now know where to place my entry-, stop loss - and take profit levels and WHY Im placing them there. I can absolutely suggest Andrew Mitchem's The Forex Trading Coach Course if you're a new trader AND if you've been trading for a while without seeing profitable results. Im very thankful to Andrew for giving me renewed hope for being a profitable trader!
Pretoria, South Africa, 19th May 2015.
I have had the pleasure of learning, and simultaneously evaluating, Andrew's course for the past 2 years; that's right, 2 years.
Fast forward 2 years, and I have now opened up a live account.
If you are wondering whether to take this course or not, you need only ask yourself, is it worth it?
Monetarily, it definitely is. Life is all about investing, and if you are willing to invest in yourself (via Andrew's course), you have (assuming you have the requisite mental and intellectual capabilities) taken a step in the right direction.
Intellectually, the course is potentially grueling. If this has scared you, then FX is probably not for you; if not, read on. I had absolutely no (and I mean no!) knowledge or experience in FX. All I knew is that there are multiple currencies, and I thought that the only way to make money is to go into a shop with a truck load of cash and ask to exchange it for another currency. By the blessings of the Almighty, I have certainly come a long way!
For the absolute amateur, my advice is: take Andrew's course and be prepared to put the time in. Ponder on each subject and the philosophy behind it. It took me nearly 2 years to get my head around the concepts; if you are brighter then all power to you!
For the existing traders, my advice is: stop losing money and continuing to read review after review; take the risk of investing in his course; a small risk, something which Andrew wholeheartedly drills into his students' psyche relentlessly.
As a concluding remark, Andrew is accessible. This is huge. I personally do not know how he does it (with clients in 48+ countries); I personally do not like contacting him unless absolutely necessary because I respect his time and despise intellectual laziness. However, if you believe that by purchasing his product, you will receive an automated thanking you for purchasing the product and nothing further, you, my friend, are wrong.
One final point (and I apologise to Forex Peace Army if this deviates for this particular review): if you have the money, take Andrew's course, and if you find it too difficult, please visit ‘Wealth With Forex'. Andrew actually has no idea that I knew about this; I have thoroughly researched my great coach and he is as legitimate as they come.
I wish you the best of luck in your trading endeavors.
New Zealand, 16th May 2015.
I purchased this course in January of this year, prior to that I was stumbling around having no idea what I was doing, spending hours trawling the net for imformation and the free education that so many people go on about. This free education is so contradictory….from having clean charts to ones loaded with indicators and each with their own interpreatation of candle patterns and the same candle being called different names….confusing.
Then one day while scrowling through this site I came across Theforextradingcoach course.
It is the best purchase I've made in forex, not only in monetary terms but in time spent in learning.
The course content is very well presented and easy to follow.
Andrew's style of trading is simple and uncomplicated. He teaches both short and long timeframes.
Andrew is committed to making you a successful trader and gives of himself 100% to achieve this.
s are answered the same day, quite often within hours.
Part of my course was an hour one on one call with Andrew.
This 1hr call lasted over 1.5hrs and would of gone on longer if I hadn't of run out of questions. He was very helpful and patient.
The fortnightly webinars where he answers questions and goes through the all the different pairs on different time frames looking for potential winning trades explaining why he is or isn't taking them are very imformative.. The trades he takes are on his own live accounts not demo. Members can put their own trade suggestions forward and he will discuss the pros and cons of them.
All in all I'm completly satisfied with this course and Andrew.
Reesa Styles.
Auckland, New Zealand, 12th May 2015.
I have been a student of Andrew's for about 14 months. After a successful few months on demo, I progressed to a very small demo account. I then proceeded to take a break for a few months, as I had to use the trading account cash for another project.
A few months later, I returned to join Andrew's trading plan. Again with a small account. I traded demo for a week or two, just to get back in the swing of things.
So far in the last month, my LIVE trading results have resulted in a 12% gain on account.
Andrew puts his course and methodology across in a clear concise method that you can not fail to take in and benefit from.
I work full time, so was looking for a course/strategy that worked on all time frames. And I can honestly say Andrew's really does work. The support Andrew gives, not only through the live webinars, but also via and Skype is second to none.
I tend to trade daily. 12hr, 6hr, and 4hr charts as these fit around my work commitments. The results do not lie!
As long as you follow the rules, trade what you see on the charts, not what you think… and you will profit.
I can not recommend Andrew's course highly enough.
Wales, United Kingdom, 8th May 2015.
I am a forex trader that has completed Andrew Mitchams forex trading course. After learning the course material and practicing on demo accounts, I gained the confidence to live trade earlier this year, with success. The fortnightly webinars that feature live trading, provides further education and confidence. If you want to learn forex trading than this course is for you.
Craig Crowther.
Sydney, Australia, 7th May 2015.
I want to share my experience with Andrew's course. I started about 6 months ago with his course with a demo account, following only the daily trades while i was learning. Last January i opened a real account, with no so good results, since i did'nt dare to take many trades on my own, but 4 weeks ago, i felt much more confident to do it, and the results were amazing: i was able to easily reach 2% in my account every week, reaching 8% at the end of March. I really recommend this course, it help you to accelerate a lot the learning process in Forex Trading, it is very professional and serious, and as everything in life, take a lot of dedication and perseverance of your part, and Andrew is there to guide you in the process. I know maybe 4 possitive weeks in a row is not a lot, but is a really good start.
Chile, but currently in Ningbo, China, 21st April 2015.
Thanks Andrew, Your videos and website are amazing, thanks to you I'm really beginning to wrap my head around all of this. I know it's a long learning curve and I still have a ways to go, but it's nice to have such a clear voice amid all the noise that exists online. Mantenha o trabalho incrível!
Daniel Phillips.
Daniel Phillips, Italy, 16th April 2015.
I did Andrew's course not too long after he started his teaching, and I can say it laid the foundation of my future trading. Wherever I turn in this market, his concepts and understanding of trading is what I can rely on to progress account Equity.
For every beginner or advanced, you will benefit from this. Not taking his course seems like a missed oppertunity to learn the fundaments of technical forex, as well as learning what it takes to become a full time trader.
It did me very well, and today Im managing external funds.
Good luck with the course, take your time, and remember to enjoy it!
Gjøvik, Norway, 27th March 2015.
This course is excellent and finally I am profitable in my trading. I just love the higher timeframes trading, but the course can work on whatever timeframe that suits your style. You can just find the time of day that you have available, and use it for your trading. And another important thing… the money management is excellent and you will learn good risk:reward trading, so you will never have to think about leverage or margin. It will take care of itself. SO sign up as soon as possible. Andrew can teach you how to trade and become a profitable trader.
Iceland, 14th February 2015.
Trading is going well, started live trading last week and by the end of the week I'm up 3.5% and aiming for 8% every month. It has been learning from the course and adopting a trading strategy along with limiting risk with maximum reward.
I look forward to the next seminar.
Auckland, New Zealand, 4th February 2015.
I wish I had found this course earlier and not wasted time on other courses. Really well structured and explained. Andrew always replies to queries quickly and I have found him to be so helpful. Excellent course!
Sydney, Australia, 28th January 2015.
For now I have been a member for four months and from that time I have traded three months live. Before this I have tried almost everything and three years went by but no significant improvement in my trading. So I decided to put my last effort on Andrews Forex Online Course and I am really happy I did so.
All the material in the course is very well structured and easy to follow and understand. There is all basic information needed to get touch in forex. For the newcomers Andrews trading course saves a lot of time in learning and avoids of the trials and errors that the most traders has experienced.
Andrew also offers “earning while learning” daily trading suggestions for his members. The main idea of this service is to encourage traders to take and manage the trades and train their eyes to identify a high probability trading opportunities. It is a good startkicker to become an independent succesful trader.
One thing that amazed me is how well this priceaction based system combined with a couple of handy tools works out. The system is very logical and much more mechanical than most of the systems I have used. The best thing is that it works in every timeframe and any currency pair. There is no need to mess up with multiple timeframes analyizing or checking dozens of this and that. You really trade only what you see on one chart and one timeframe. All quessworking is eliminated. Trading opportunities are so clear that you have enough time to check out as many pairs as you wish in a no time. I like the simplicity of this system. Due my day job I have traded only daily and four hour charts but this year my aim is to trade one hour charts also.
For me Andrews forex course is a real deal!
Helsinki, Finland, 20th January 2015.
Hi everyone I am not one to normally write reviews but sometimes you meet people who exceed expectations and in the crazy world of Forex this can be a huge benefit to a Newb like me Andrew Mitchem is certainly one of those individuals.
I joined eToro just under a month ago and stupid or not I didn't go with a demo account I just went straight in. Forex has always interested me and I am at a point in my life where I have more time and more spare cash to play with so I thought why not. It soon became apparent that the Copy Trade method is ok but not very profitable for the copier ie me. I scoured through loads of accounts looking at profits and gains but unless your prepared to invest huge amounts your not really going to get good profits. It was at this point that I came across Andrew Mitchems profile and the whole Dairy Farmer to Forex Guru got my attention the other thing was that he had no trades open and no history of trades on the eToro platform I checked out his site but was not in a position to invest in his course and to be honest I was still a little sceptical about the whole Forex world, anyway I noticed that he gave daily trading advice for FREE and started studying this and slowly implemented what he was saying. I just toted up my first months profit and I have done just shy of $1200 based on his excellent advice I invested around $2000 into my eToro account. Today based on his EUR/AUD buy advice I was $125 in profit before I got out of bed I ended up $200 in profit for the day this has been consistent with Andrews daily advice. I have since invested in his course since he has done a great Christmas offer and feel that I am being looked after and well on my way to being a successful Forex trader his great advice has paid for his course so in my opinion you cant get better than that. His site is highly informative but not scary to a newcomer his videos are great and his support team are very quick if you have a query. Highly Recommended he's the real deal..
PKTradex (Paul)
Bath, United Kingdom, 10th December 2014.
Written Testimonials.
This course for me so far was the best investment in forex education. Andrew is very responsible for every single aspect of the training, if you have a question he is always trying to help and support in order to become a profitable trader. The webinars are brilliant and this is where i gained my trading skills.
I am very happy with the content of this course, it took me around 3 month to understand everything and start trading on my own using Andrew's strategy. For people who bought or planing to buy this course i would advise to stick with this strategy because it is quite simple and it works. Give it a little bit more time even if at the beginning things are not going really well. Master this strategy and make a plan that suits your personality and you will improve your trading experience dramatically.
London, United Kingdom, 9th December 2014.
Just wanted to write an update to my first review. I have been with Andrew (TheForexTradingCoach) now for a little over a year and have found his course to be the “holy grail” of forex trading. Andrew is the epitome of a great coach. He is not only extremely knowledgeable but incredibly helpful and very prompt in answering any and all of your questions. I would not hesitate to endorse his course. If you want to be a successful forex trader – The Forex Trading Coach course is the one for you, period.
John Raets.
Uxbridge, Canada, 9th December 2014.
Hey Andrew your favourite Brit here just to say I got your more detailed daily trading advice off your brilliant website which I am now happily subscribed to thanks to your Christmas offer and on Friday i absolutely nailed it I was up over $250.00 by lunchtime everything you suggested came true as I watched the Greens keep going up , looking forward to Mondays advice later. Continue com o ótimo trabalho.
Paul Kellers.
Bath, UK, 8th December 2014.
Well I am new to this but I have to say that yours is the best advice on Etoro and you prove it pretty consistently. I started with copying other people but you don’t seem to get a huge return on your copied amount. I use your guidance now and am averaging $100 – $150 USD a day with about $3500 USD on Etoro. Obviously I want more and am keen to learn, I’ll start with your book and then take your program.
Thanks for all the great advice thus far I have recommended you to lots of people who seem very interested in my new found activity.
Paul Kellers.
Bath, UK, 5th December 2014.
As a newbie to Forex trading there is a myriad of Forex courses, systems, signals and books, that will supposedly educate you to become a “”successful”” comerciante de forex. I have spent numerous hours reading and researching the various options, in fact the more I researched the more confused I became. I decided to do Andrew Mitchem's course “” The Forex Coaching Course”” after attending one of his webinars. The course allows you to study at your own pace, and provides a valuable foundation for you to learn and trade Forex. The course coupled with the fortnightly webinars ( live trading) is a must for any person wanting to trade and understand Forex.
Sydney, Australia, 13th November 2014.
You mentioned in your post today that today was another good example of the benefits of trading multiple time frames, as the daily charts didn’t work out too well. How true that has proved to be all this week for me. Due to a little change in my circumstances this week, I was able to hop on the computer for a couple hours during the London/New York overlap session, over the past 3 days. Traded M15 chart only. 7 trades total, 6 winners/1 loser +3.77% account gain. It’s also another example of how your system works over anytime frame you choose. Very happy with those results. Overall this week I’m up 6.5% with all time frame trades.
Beau Hicks.
Hamilton, Canada, 30th September 2014.
Been trading with Andrew's system for approx 2 months on a demo a/c. Fantastic system with excellent support from Andrew & Mhel. Indicators are very easily understood.
Webinars are a must if you buy the system, because you see what is happening, and how Andrew's mind works, which will benefit your own trading no end.
Wish I'd bought it sooner.
Paul B, York.
United Kingdom, 2nd September 2014.
I would like to start to give my review about Andrew's course with these words ” This is an Amazing incredible money making magical course”.I need to give six stars or more for Andrew's course.
I bought this course from Andrew a month ago. So for I am extremely happy with the course. As I am busy on my studies I am slowly studying the course. It is very simple and accurate system. I am using Andrew's daily suggestions. So far most of the trades won. It looks for me Andrew has not hidden anything. He is honest person. So I firmly believe if any one want to be a profitable trader this is the answer. I can bravely and happily give five stars for Andrew. Andrew thanks for this service and keep helping the people who want to be profitable traders.
Rohana Jayantha Petta Tantirige.
Christchurch, New Zealand, 14th August 2014.
After a accident put me off work for a while I decided to not waste the time and hone my FX trading which had previously been very hit and miss.
I started by reading every free piece of information I could find on the web. Anyone who has done this will most probably reach the same conclusion I did….. There are a lot of experts out there who for all I know could be as hit and miss as I was and there is also a lot of conflicting information.
I decided to go ahead and pay a education provider who is willing to be transparent on there successes. After reading a lot of reviews I settled on Andrews course. There is a wealth of education on his site, condensed into bite sized chucks (video and reading material) so it is easy to absorb it. Andrew is a successful Forex trader and shares the techniques he has used to gain that success. His philosophy he emphasizes on money management could save most people the cost of this course alone.
Once you have joined he also posts very detailed daily trade recommendations which if you follow just these they will pay for the course over time as they have for me.
As I currently have some broken bones I have been spending a lot of my energy on trading. In just over the past month I have averaged 1.1% profit per day on my account size and the past 10 days has been very good with 1.4%.
I have easily paid off the price of this course and strongly built my account size through trading the techniques I have learned here and put into practice.
Andrew has been very helpful and responds very quickly to any questions or concerns that may arise…. almost always the same day!
Highly recommenced from a now happy trader.
Sam Napier.
New Zealand, 4th August 2014.
For those of you who are skeptical about investing in a trading course, read through all the reviews for Andrew's training on this site. I read through every one and was convinced that this course was worth trying.
It was a great decision. The course is very thorough and Andrew is incredibly responsive with any questions that you have. So don't think that you are just purchasing some videos and you are left to figure it out on your own.
I've had the course for about 2 months now and I've just finished going through every training video for the second time. It is worth going over at least twice to make sure you have a good understanding of how to apply the strategy properly. I plan on going through the videos again in a few weeks.
The strategy is solid and it feels good to put into action. What I mean is that when you enter a trade, you know the maximum that you are risking and you know what your profit target is. The system reiterates strongly that you should take trades that offer a good reward-to-risk ratio. Most trades will be 2:1, 3:1 or even better ratios.
This isn't a system that will let you get your account in trouble even if several trades in a row go against you. The most that you risk on a trade is 0.5% So if you are trading a $5,000 account, the most you can lose on a trade is $25. I sleep easily knowing that even if all my open trades go sour I will still be in good shape and can continue trading the next day.
There are many bad courses and ‘Gurus' out there who only want your money. They throw together some garbage system and sell it only to pad their own wallets. Andrew is completely different. I've probably written him over 10 s in the last 2 months (some quite wordy) and he has always gotten back to me quickly and kindly while making sure to guide me in the right direction. He is a genuine guy who seems to love trading and love teaching others.
To sum everything up, you cannot go wrong with this course. If you are on the fence then I hope you at least send Andrew an and talk to him. Anyone who takes the training seriously and asks questions when they are stumped will succeed. Easiest 100% 5-star rating I could ever give.
Oklahoma, USA, 29th May 2014.
I’ve studied Andrew Mitcham’s course now since the end of 2013. My live account has been up and down. I admit getting frustrated at times but “welcome to forex trading”. His course has opened my mind up to more of the simple things about forex trading.
Reading his book, and you should, has pretty much hit the nail on the head of my short experiences of trading. There are so many indicators and it gets so damn confusing. I just can’t seem to find the “holy grail” indicator. And I know why now, it doesn’t exist.
Andrew’s course has given me the basic necessary tools and direction to get my forex trading heading in the right direction. His fortnightly webinars where he does “live” trading and even takes trades of other students is something we can all relate to. Andrew wants you to learn to trade by yourself and be successful.
Forex trading is a constant learning process but to have someone like Andrew Mitcham on your side, things can only get better. Many thanks to the Forex Trading Coach and a 5 Star rating all the way.
Melbourne, Australia, 16th May 2014.
I would highly recommend Andrew’s course to anyone who is motivated and looking for a highly professional mentor to reach their trading goals. Trading is not easy and there is no magic bullet. After many, many years of working on trading on and off, consistency had always being the obstacle for me. I identified with and have experienced much of what Andrew discusses when advising on the traps and pitfalls of trading. Andrew has been a fantastic mentor, and I can’t speak highly enough of how his support, teaching, course, live webinar’s have changed my trading and my life. Having now found for the first time the magic of consistency and float protection strategies I have confidently left my career of 22 years to pursue trading full time and looking after my family, thanks to Andrew. Andrew’s course is an investment in education, mindset, and a fantastic mix of online (when it suits you) learning and live trading. Which has been fantastic for me juggling family, and up until very recently a career. I have been extremely happy with the results over the past couple of months, and can finally start compounding and growing my float size.
I believe we are very lucky to have such an honest, highly skilled, experienced and professional Forex trader offering such an opportunity to achieve excellent results. Looking forward to continued learning, success and sharpening my skills.
My only regret is that I didn’t find this course a few years ago.
Victoria, Australia, 13th April 2014.
I have been trading live for about 18 months with very sporadic and inconsistent results. I have invested in courses with no indicators and trading very infrequently waiting for those A+ to come along, but I always felt something was missing from the jigsaw of trading. I have been following AM for over a year, attended his webinars and received his daily strength and weakness alerts through FPA.
Then I decided after another losing month I needed help so I purchased AM course. I have had the course for less than 2 weeks.
I have already had 7 winning trades in a row and fought my way back from being 8.5% down on my account to just being 0.9% down. The trades I have taken this month 44 in total, 14 winning, 20 losing and 10 cancelled. These results for me are astounding and for the first time in 18 months I can see where this journey is taking me. I am very pleased to have purchased the course and look forward to the bi weekly live trading webinars where trades are discussed, taken and any questions answered.
I will update a further after a couple of months.
Anyway I am off to place some more trades. 🙂
Crawley, United Kingdom, 3rd April 2014.
Trading has been very good so far. Many of my trades have been 3:1 Reward/Risk and even up to 8:1. By playing a good defense in protecting my equity and keeping risk small, it makes it easier to follow a trend. Andrew really does teach you how to trade, thanks Coach!
2014-02-20 5 Stars I’ve been a student of Andrew’s for a couple of months now and I thought it would be nice to send a review his way.
A little background: I’ve been trading Forex for a number of years, on and off and like others have been saying, you get your money’s worth. Andrew is always prepared in a professional manner, whether its posting daily strengths and weaknesses or answering my s, he really does take the “mentor” role seriously.
Andrew teaches you about reading price levels, in my opinion, as the single most important aspect of Forex. On the journey of becoming a day trader, I kept seeing other traders just barraging and hawking their favorite indicator, and although they may give good buy/sell signals, they don’t really capture “the whole picture” that is trading a dynamic market.
Bear with me, if we are trying to take trades based off of millions of other players’ sentiments, biases, trading times, volatility times, we are looking at a statistical nightmare! But with the mindset and trading philosophies emphasized by Andrew, it can really help you tackle that giant. With Andrew, we do use indicators, but they are NOT the sole reason you would take a trade. In fact, they supplement the ability of reading price.
Trade what you see, not what you think. Wait for the trade to come to you. Don’t over trade. All of these trading and trite adages, we hear them all the time from different “best traders’ advices” to “market wizards” books, etc. We hear it all the time, but it goes in one ear and exits out the other. My clue to you regarding understand these truths in trading, learn to read PRICE. Andrew does that. After the mentoring from Andrew, it almost like having a “third eye” to the markets. It’s difficult to explain, but when you get there, you’ll know what Im talking about.
Treat trading like a business and whatever time and effort it takes for you to be successful, do it. If you aren’t willing to, I would say to you right now, don’t bother getting into trading. It sounds harsh but Im not here to whisper sweet nothings into your ear, my review is to let you know the reality of trading.
Happy trading everyone.
I have been a student for about a month now and I must say Andrew is top notch with his teachings. With his live Webinars, you not only learn a great deal, but you get to see him go over his past trades with explanations and take new trades on live accounts. Andrew has several accounts that he trades with and he shows you two of them with the live Webinars. With his strategies, I was able to gain an amazing 15.6% gain to my account in one week! Moreover, Andrew teaches great risk reward and money management skills to all his members as a guideline to follow. With his daily analysis, it gives his members an opportunity to look for trades in the directions he is predicting and I truly recommend his course to anyone looking to up their Forex trading.
Atlanta, USA, 3rd April 2014.
I have been a student for about a month now and I must say Andrew is top notch with his teachings. With his live Webinars, you not only learn a great deal, but you get to see him go over his past trades with explanations and take new trades on live accounts. Andrew has several accounts that he trades with and he shows you two of them with the live Webinars. With his strategies, I was able to gain an amazing 15.6% gain to my account in one week! Moreover, Andrew teaches great risk reward and money management skills to all his members as a guideline to follow. With his daily analysis, it gives his members an opportunity to look for trades in the directions he is predicting and I truly recommend his course to anyone looking to up their Forex trading.
Oregon, USA, 2nd April 2014.
I have been a student of Andrew's since October 2013. Being a busy mum and very organised, I spent 4 months studying his educational material before commencing trading when I felt completely comfortable, a couple of months ago.
Prior to Andrew's course I spent alot of money with a large educational company, only to be left with more questions than answers and still desperately unprepared to trade Forex. My advice here is to be very careful about ‘seminar companys' promising you will make make millions by signing up for more and more of their courses. You are better off spending much less with Andrew and getting real results.
Andrew is a true professional who knows his stuff and genuinely wants to share his Forex knowledge to create great traders. He ALWAYS answers my questions within 24 hours and his educational material, daily trading suggestions, fortnightly webinars and trading and risk management strategies, lay the foundation for students to discover their own trading style, which is really important.
I am currently experiencing great results following Andrew's suggestions and taking my own trades using the strategies learned throughout the course. I have much more to learn and will repost and update you all on my progress later on in the year, but at this stage, I feel like FINALLY I am heading in the right direction.
Melinda Rossiter.
Adelaide, Australia, 13th March 2014.
Andrew Mitchem with Forex Trading Coach has an excellent educational and daily pick system.
I am up 15% so far this calendar year using his daily picks.
The training system is excellent and very professional. He breaks the lessons down into bite size pieces so you grasp one concept at a time.
I highly recommend The Forex Trading Coach/Andrew Mitchem!
Paul Ashcraft.
Auburndale Florida, USA, 5th March 2014.
I was about to give up on Forex Trading, when I came across Andrew Mitchem website by chance, and decided to give this course a last try after sending him a couple of s, of which, he has cleared my doubts.
I had been trading part time for past 1 and half years and have personally invested in 3 other courses, of which are helpful in grasping the game of forex, but it does not provide me with the consistent results that I wish to attain.
The reason why I would rate this course a 5 Star is due to the following reasons:
1. I can immediately understand what was lacking in my execution and the best part is that it can be applied in all time frames.
2. Every execution is with fixed percentage losses to your accounting, therefore you will always protect your principal account. I have finally understood how to get this done and not be afraid of having reached set Stop positions.
3. There are specific identification of Entry with proper disciplinary steps, where you can easily follow.
Having said all of the above, this course would be useful if you understand the probability of forex trading and you have to apply a lot of discipline and stick to the rules to ensure success.
Let’s have consistency in trading !!
Singapore, Singapore, 4th February 2014.
Since investing in Andrew’s course I have found him very helpful both verbally and by way of written notes to assist me through various points of understanding FX.
I can recommend to any trader at any stage of your progress with FX trading if there is any point requiring clarification simply ask away and Andrew is available.
Thames, New Zealand, 3rd February 2014.
I recently signed up to Andrew’s course, and I went over the material over Christmas when the market’s were quiet. Most of the information I had previously learned but by trial and error over 2-3 years trading. However, the way that course sticks to the essential information and emphasises the low risk approach has transformed the way I feel about trading. I am much more prepared to follow through on good setups and I find that by following Andrew’s Daily Trade suggestions, I am learning by doing. I am not making real money yet (it’s only been 1 month) but I am sticking with the program and will giving it a proper go. As a frustrated trader, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, as long as I follow the course principles of proper money management and low risk per trade. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the course to anybody from beginner to experienced.
Alan Prothero.
Melbourne, Australia, 31st January 2014.
Andrew has done everything very well that he said he would do for me. His flair for teaching, his attention and sensitivity to newbies yet catering for the most experienced traders are very evident in the live trading webinars and throughout the well sequenced and structured video course. The harder the questions the better the answers become. The work/life balance his teachings offer are exceptional and easily understood. There are a lot of subtleties to successful trading and his attention to detail are excellent. Ultimately he measures his own success by his students succeeding. If you value your time and you have the passion, you will find this course enjoyable, fairly valued and rewarding relative to the effort one puts in.
Rick Cameron.
Milton, New Zealand, 1st January 2014.
I am struggling to know where to start with this review for one simple reason – that is I am not really using Andrew’s system/method in its entirety at the moment and I want to be totally upfront about that. Although it is important to note I use knowledge gained from Andrew’s course in my trading every day.
You might say – why are you giving this 5 stars when you are not currently using the system. The reason for that is simple – the course and system are excellent but I am an inveterate tinkerer and “tinkered” until I have discovered something that is nothing like the original but that suits me very well and works for me. That takes nothing away from the original – it is just a reflection of my nature I’m afraid! If I could give 4 1/2 stars then I would 😉
I have read a few of the good and bad reviews below and some of the negative comments are, in my view, pretty ridiculous and some seem to reflect on the writer more than the subject.
Anyway here’s a brief synopsis of my view of Andrew and his course (I took the 12 month offer through FPA fwiw):
& # 8211; Andrew is the consummate professional. His course is very well prepared, he has always responded to questions and contrary to some of the comments below I have NEVER been spammed with any kind of marketing guff or sales pitches. He also seems like a genuinely nice bloke who wants you to do well.
& # 8211; The course itself will help every novice/struggling trader make progress. It covers many key trading areas such as, money management, discipline, planning, when not to trade and of course using Andrew’s price action based system that is not overly complicated.
So in summary – a very good all round package. Will it make everyone successful? No as it is clear that some people are not prepared to put in the effort required or just don’t have the discipline or mindset to succeed, but Andrew will help guide you in the right direction.
Dave W, Manchester.
United Kingdom, 12th December 2013.
There a few things that Andrew Mitchem’s course is NOT….. It’s not a signal service and it certainly isn’t something that is conjured up on the spur of the moment. I spent a few year trading stocks and warrants and decided recently to move to Forex…after doing all the free, freely available courses out there, I still needed to verify/learn a STRATEGY that Icould apply my new found PA knowledge to. This is where Andrew’s course has value for me – It is a sound and logic Strategy to PA – proven over time by Andrew to be effective. There were 3 criteria for me to “take the pay route” … 1) the trainer must be a trader first and teacher second 2) Show me it works. 3) Money management is a critical consideration for me and Andrew has a very sound strategy for MM as well. Live sessions are informative as is his daily trade direction suggestions….. Fib tool looks fantastic but I am still to add this to my arsenal. I will update at 6months…
Auckland, New Zealand, 1st December 2013.
I have learnt more in the past week with your course (especially what I was doing wrong) than I did in the past year of trial and error, forums and web searches. I am much more confident that I can master trading with your guidance as a trading coach – so already – thank you!
Sebastian Herrmann,
Auckland, New Zealand, 15th November 2013.
Hello Fellow Forex Traders,
I thought I’d post an update of my experience with Andrew’s Forex Course. I’m now about five months since purchasing the program and am very pleased with the results. It took me a few months to learn all the lessons in the course, but two months ago, things really started coming together. In September, I was able to make 18% trading mostly the 5 and 15 minute charts. In October, I have been trading very hard and started trading the 1 minute charts a bit. I am already up 25% for the month and still have another week and a half to go in the month.
The important thing to understand about this course, is that it gives you the tools you need to trade any time frame. Obviously the shorter the time frame, the more opportunities present themselves. If someone trades just the daily time frame, they may only get 7 good trade set-ups per week. Because I trade shorter time frames, I sometimes get that many set-ups per session. (I trade the Asian and London sessions).
I’ve been involved in trading in one way or another for about ten years. I’ve traded options, penny stocks, and now forex. I’ve read around 100 books on trading, and taken several courses from professional traders. Unfortunately, until I met Andrew and learned his system, I was unable to trade profitably. The best thing about my ten years of unprofitable trading was that I gained valuable market experience and became “street-smart” in the trading community. I can tell the difference between someone who is a profitable trader and someone who is just selling a program to make some money. Andrew is not only a profitable trader, he is in a select group of traders who are extremely proficient. . New traders have a difficult time knowing what type of results are exceptional. I’d suggest reading Jack Schwager’s “Market Wizards” books. In these books, Schwager interviews a handful of the world’s best traders, people whose results have been exceptional over the long haul. Andrew’s results meet or exceed the results of these traders, and I believe Andrew should be recognized as one of the world’s best traders.
It is unusual for traders who reach Andrew’s level to offer help to other traders. Most of the really exceptional traders I’ve known over the years have been very reluctant to give away secrets. I feel very lucky to have met Andrew as he has always been generous with his knowledge. I think someone of his caliber could be managing a huge hedge fund and go the way of George Soros or Paul Tudor Jones. I think Andrew has decided that because he genuinely enjoys helping other traders, that is what he is going to focus on. He is in the process of setting up a forum on his website for clients to interact with one another to help bring us together as a community. I’m very excited about this, as I look forward to helping other traders. Thanks to Andrew, I’m looking at not having to worry about money anymore…quite likely for the rest of my life. There doesn’t seem much else for me to do but help as many people as I can. I hope to follow in Andrew’s footsteps and do just that.
Looking back over the past ten years, its amazing to me how many folks in the trading community I’ve come across who were only out to enrich themselves. I do not feel that way about Andrew at all. He is the most honest and helpful person I’ve met in my ten years of trading, and one of the best guys I’ve come across in any line of work I’ve been in. He has always answered my s very quickly and guided me in the way I needed. He is so polite and patient in the webinars, its a pleasure to be learning from him. I don’t think a person who is passionate about trading could go wrong purchasing his program. I am so glad that I did. My life would not be the same if I hadn’t. I hope to see some of you in Andrew’s live webinars. I am Robert, “The 5 minute chart guy”…lol. I’ll do my best to help you along!
Robert Cowles,
Portland, Oregon, USA, 20th October 2013.
Hi Andrew, I am so glad the I found you and your course amongst a myriad of scammers online!
Alex Forget,
Maryland, USA, 26th August 2013.
I have only been on the course some two weeks, and I only have the opportunity to study at evenings and weekends as I work full time. I have attended different courses in my current field of work over the years, but this is by far the most comprehensive, detailed and easy to follow. Naturally I did my homework on other trading coaches, but I am certainly impressed with TFTC and I would highly recommend them to anyone starting or thinking of a career in trading, with positive helpful and encouraging feedback from my online coach, always answering my questions in a way which can be understood in depth without being confusing, and so promptly too, it really feels more like a one to one tutorial.
If you going to invest in one of these courses TFTC is the right one to choose.
Anne Spence,
Te Aroha, New Zealand, 20th August 2013.
Hi Andrew, I wanted to share a success story with you. At the last webinar, you reviewed a few of my trade ideas. Your feedback was very helpful. Afterwards, the next eight trades I took were winners! That’s about the longest winning streak I’ve ever had! 🙂 Thanks again for being such a good teacher and such a courteous fellow.
Robert Cowles,
Portland, Oregon, USA, 13th August.
I have taken 22 trades since I started the coarse and am happy to say that I have won 16 out of 22.
Andrew I cannot thankyou enough for the way which you put this coarse together. I have done another coarse on forex about five years ago, it was twice the price of yours and not even in the same class as you.
Mark Kurtzer,
Adelaide, Australia, 26th June 2013.
Andrews course is great value for money. Like many others I have tried other courses and spent alot more and at the end they’ve all confused me! bombarded with too many strategies and too many time frames to look at. Andrew dumbs it down to the very basic. Pick the time frame your comfortable with and stick to one strategy. Since taking his course I have to say I’ve been pleased. His daily recommendations not all the time but a lot of the time have been spot on. But most of all his risk and reward trades have been exceptional which means you don’t have to win every trade to be in front.
Keep up the great work Andrew.
Sydney, Australia, 13th June 2013.
By the way I have made 7.78% on my capital since the beginning of the month. I am so pleased that I took your course.
Christopher Russell,
Christchurch, New Zealand, 13th June 2013.
I’d like to say thank you for last weeks’ trades – I’m really busy at the moment (aren’t we all?) so only had time to take up your daily suggestions. At the end of the week, my account was up by 6.38% (risk .25% per trade) so I’m very happy about that!
Trevor Brewerton,
West Coast, New Zealand, 11th June 2013.
I’ve been trading for two and a half years and in that time I’ve done many courses , read a lot of books and articles, searched through many forums, tested many strategies and systems.
All up, I started to make gains, and was slightly profitable, but before I got to that point I blew two accounts, got scammed a couple of times and all up, it’s probably cost me as much as obtaining a university degree would have.
I think I qualify as someone worth listening to but it’s still up to you.
There are a few points that I looked at before doing this course.
Am I getting help from a real trader – yes , and probably one of the best around. One of the best money/risk management systems I’ve seen, a positive risk to reward ratio that so many talk about but so few are able to implement with discipline. His method teaches us how to be consistently profitable without having excessive draw down periods and the expectation of at least 20% return of investment pa.
If your trading a thousand dollar account then you might say 20% isn’t good enough but if you read about the wall street wizards you’ll realize that Andrews up there with the best. When you hear about a trader making twenty million a year, there’s a good chance his starting capital was at least one hundred million, so don’t be disillusioned into thinking that this isn’t a great trader. Trading is a business, if you don’t have the start up capital then prove yourself and get investors or even a loan.
If your reading this then your still looking for help and not only is Andrew a great trader but a great teacher as well. I wont go into the specifics about what he teaches but I will say that although some might say that you can access everything taught here for free my answer is by who?
This is where you learn how to put it all together.
The execution of trades are based on price action first and then strengthen the analysis with support and resistance, dynamic support and resistance, fib retracements and extensions, pivot points, round numbers and divergence.
There is a lot more to the course than just being able to execute trades. It takes you from the very beginning for people who have never traded and through to being a consistently profitable trader. Andrew has also answered my s personally within a day. I have never had someone send me s to ask how I’m going with the course or having any problems he can help with.
He really is here to help, !
NSW, Australia, 6th May 2013.
I think Andrews course is excellent. I have completed many trading courses, read many books etc over the last 5 -7 years and have also had a personal FX mentor but have found Andrews course has been the best and is so cheap when compared to other courses out there for what you get. Andrew also is very giving of his time and knowledge and I really enjoy the simplicity of the course notes, and regular webinars where Andrew actually takes trades! It is really pleasing to pay for a course and for it to exceed your expectations. Highly recommend this course to anyone looking or anyone sitting on the fence, you wont be disappointed. Felicidades.
Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand, 29th April 2013.
For a busy mum of three young children and absolutely no time for industry egotists, Andrew Mitchem’s honest and straight forward approach to forex trading is a breath of fresh air.
This is a grounded, no-nonsense system for the novice trader, with the concepts clearly explained and demonstrated. While at first I struggled with some of the industry jargon (what is a swing trade for example) – and I believe the inclusion of a glossary would be helpful – once through the basics, my understanding of forex has rapidly increased.
The course material consists of a series of how-to videos backed up with a 80 page manual. However there is no bigger acceleration of learning than watching Andrew take trades live during his fortnightly webinar, explaining the set up and why the trade is valid, where a suitable stop and profit point is and why. These webinars – there are many years archived – have provided much clarity to the course notes and instructional videos.
There are also Daily Trades published each morning, which are very helpful in offering students the chance to practically apply the course.
Andrew is a respectful and approachable teacher, and his league of supporters is testament to the beautiful simplicity of his successful trading system and method of teaching it.
Brisbane, Australia, 24th April 2013.
2012 was my first full year of active trading with Andrew and got a yearly return of 14%. For me, the most important thing is Andrew’s continued support through his webinars and support. Any questions I have are usually always responded to within a day. The system is essentially quite straightforward, but its the support provided which makes this system rise above the rest.
Australia, 18th February 2013.
The problem I have had with trading forex since commenced 18 months ago was too many systems and not sticking to the trading plan. I bought Andrew’s cource towards end 2012 and still was not following the rules and identifying good trading opportunities. Last week concentrated on 4H using an entry method for reduced risk but higher return which his course teaches and great week week. 9 winners and 5 losses and account greaw more than 6% with risk of 0.5-1% risk. Three losses I realise now were not good entries so will be looking for improvement there. Three trades 3:1 RR and also traded the daily recommendations and with good success. With dailies these are set and forget as per TFC measurements but you need to manage your trades. TFC system is systematic and repeatable and if you stick with the system which is easy to understand and make your trading plan solid this system will return a positive income.
Melbourne, Australia, 17th February 2013.
I recommend this course to all interested in trading Forex for a living.
Coming to the end of my first year of trading with Andrew Mitchem – the Forex Trading Coach. A big thanks to the fortnightly webinars. Very happy with my first full years trading showing an increase of 42.39% on my bank! Your Webinars are comparable to going to varsity every fourteen days to fine tune our trading. Recommend this course to all interested in trading for a living.
Auckland, New Zealand, 18th December 2012.
You truly are the Forex Trading Coach.
Hi Andrew, Must tell you I am thoroughly enjoying your course. You truly are the ForexTradingCoach! Your unique approach in helping the less informed on really understanding the Forex market is truly informative and very user friendly!
John Raets,
Uxbridge, Canada, 24th November 2012.
Awesome Trading Methodology.
My name is Dave Polifka. I live in Milwaukee, WI in the states. I have been a student for about a year and a half. I also recently ordered the Place Fibo Order tool a couple weeks back, and it is fantastic. I am a very part time Forex trader and work full time as an IT Communications Engineer. Unfortunately due to my time zone, it is difficult to get to the Fortnightly webinars live, but I do watch them diligently on Saturday mornings. Watching your decision making process on the trades is extremely informative. I am very pleased with the Place Fibo Order tool. It has worked exactly as you’ve shown it. For me personally, one of the biggest bonuses is to have a consistent amount at risk per trade. Before the tool, I had to use a spreadsheet to calculate my RR ratio and ultimately, my amount to risk (non-MT4 platform). A tedious process. Now I can just setup a preset risk, and even on multiple positions if needed, all with a with a few clicks. Right now I trade very small risk at 0.25%. Slow and steady growth is a good thing. So far the past week, the account is up a nice 1.7%.I just thought I would touch base, and thank you for the great tool and awesome methodology.
Dave Polifka,
Milwaukee, USA, 24th October 2012.
Very impressed with your Forex Course.
Hi Andrew, Just to let you know i was very impressed with your webinar. I’m used to painstakingly slow webinars where you have questions of “how do you draw a trendline? “ or “where is the templates folder”. I can see your very well organised here. You steer people to videos and content on your website if they want knowledge and just get on with the webinar. You a clearly well organised here and i was very impressed to see trades already placed on your account. You would appear to be the genuine article. I was particularly impressed with your breakdown of currency strengths using the daily charts as it’s so simple and so quick to do. Everything you use, Indication wise, appears to have a good reason for being there supporting a higher probability of a good trade, instead of meaningless indicators of hope usually put there because after they cross the market tends to go up kind of explanations you get with other training. All said and done, so far, i’m very impressed.
Dave Henderson,
UK, 22nd October 2012.
Your Forex Trading plan takes away the fear of live trading.
Hi Andrew, the webinar was fantastic ..the fastest 2 hours of my week.
It occured to me as I was thinking about your webinar late last night that for me your teaching and trading plan takes out the fear and trepidation in the approach to live trading which is great.
Chris Long,
New Zealand, 5th October 2012.
You are helping me to improve my Forex Trading.
Thanks Andrew, it was indeed a terrific webinar…but that isn’t unusual. Thanks again for your insightfull discussion of the market, your openness and honesty about your trades and those suggested by webinar attendees, and your input and care for your is helping me enormously to improve my trading.
Brad Haynes,
Australia, 5th October 2012.
Your Forex Trading Knowledge is Worth its Weight in Gold.
Thanks Andrew, really enjoyed last night’s webinar – as always, full of good sound advice, comments, and info. The markets have been rather hard yacker over the last six to eight weeks and for me it has been a period of consolidation. No use forcing trades just for the sake of trading. Makes me realize how fortunate we all are having access to you on the fortnightly webinar – worth its weight in gold. Best part of the evening for me is when you analyze trades, working through the different reasons whether to trade or not, then arriving at YES it’s a good set-up, or NO it isn’t. Your experience shines like a light for us ‘newbies’. Muito apreciado. Already printed the Get Back to Basics file and it now sitting on my desk.
Tom Midwood,
New Zealand, 5th October 2012.
On my way to being a successful Forex trader.
I want to say WOW I am very impressed with the course you have provided me with step by step directions to follow and great videos to enforce your notes! Then on top of that your trades are consistently going the right direction with entries and t/p’s & s/l’s right on their targets. This is exhilarating to see this happen. Usually the trades in my account are mostly negative and just sitting there. The trades I have taken with your system are mostly in profit on a regular basis. When your setups are right they are right and when they are wrong they are painless because they are done quickly and with small losses. I know you already know this but I wanted to thank you for sharing your techniques with me, I finally feel like I am on my way to success!
Jesse Lewis,
Colorado, USA, 24th September 2012.
This course is an incredible way to learn how to trade the markets in a consistent way.
Well, there are so many things it is really hard to know where to start from, since this course is an incredible way to learn how to trade the markets in a consistent way. It has worked for me on currencies, gold and silver. I have learned so much about technical analysis, risk management and trading technics referring to TP´s, SL´s and Price Entries I can´t thank enough. You must take this course with no doubt the tools presented will let you learn and reach success. Let me start by saying that Andrew Mitchem is a great guy. He´s a trustful person, successful trader and amazing coach. He is always available for any doubts you may find, your questions are answered quickly and he is really concerned about giving his students a concrete support to make them successful traders. The system is incredible. I´ve been struggling through this forex market since ´09 buying courses and EA´s wasting my money. But nothing is compared to the transparency and the great accuracy this method brings into my trading. In my experience, getting to trade short time frame setups with this system needs perfection, trading psychological discipline and, of course, practice. By the other hand, trading the system on Weekly, 1D and 4H charts have been unbelievably accurate for me. I mix all of this system with my basic fundamental analysis knowledge to decide when to take trades, the direction they might take and it has been awesome. You also count with amazing easy info to understand the system, being aided by videos, live webinars, faq´s, help desk, Andrew´s quick answering, etc. I felt really welcomed and heard when Andrew answered my first newbie ed question during a live webinar. The system is easy to follow. But I can say there are two definite aspects which made this course very important for my trading skills. First, the daily trade suggestions: It is just an exceptional way to practice and test your learning process. Second, the risk management theory: consisting on reaching a higher reward based on what you have risked on every trade; this is incredibly important to get consistent and profitable… in my personal believe. I have never had such a rewarding success on any account. I have been trading in my demo account for two and a half months with great results, and I want to keep on testing my consistency for two or three more months before opening a live account. The first month I had myself dedicated to the learning process. At the end of the second one, I made more than 4%. And in these 15 days of August I´ve got a 9% increase of my account. It’s really great! So bottom line, any one getting this course can´t go wrong. I believe trading is a probability risk managing art and this system offers a technical method to increase our probabilities of success. So don´t you expect 100% accuracy on any method, that´s simply impossible, because trading is not about that. But if you get yourself centered and disciplined you may expect support, trading skills and nice profitable trading results with theforextradingcoach system. I want to thank Andrew for all his support, methods and tools. And I want to encourage him long last trading and to provide us with trading knowledge and such amazing tools and templates to keep our accounts rising. Remember you guys: “Trading is not a sprint, it is a marathon.”If any client needs a spanish explanation on the system you may contact me. Si algún cliente necesita alguna explicación en español sobre el sistema puede contactarme. LLS29FX.
Leonardo Lara,
Bogotá, Colombia, 15th August 2012.
28% return for the last three months.
Hi Andrew, Sooner or later the market goes your way in a trading sense and the webinar the other night was one such time when good trading technicals and the market work together, it was a good webinar and hope the new and old clients got some good tips. Just to let you know it’s taken two years but I might be getting the hang of trading as in one small account I have managed to make 100% on the acc in two weeks, the trick will be to see if I can average 20% compounding each month and on another it is sitting around 28% compounding for the last three months. Just thought I would share this with you.
Grant Dixon,
Matamata, New Zealand, 14th August 2012.
8% return in the first 10 days of August.
Hi AndrewHow are you? I hope you and your family are doing just fine. First I wanted to tell I have been very enthusiastic and excited in this learning process and I have been able to make more than 8% in this month and ten days. I’m very happy learning this method and the results with it, although i have to try harder and get better short time setups and improve their winning percentage. I’ve already watched yesterday’s webinar and I was very surprised and glad knowing that i had taken the same sell trade on the EURCAD 1H. I realized I have been understanding and I have also learned from my mistakes. Finally I wanted to thankyou for this forextradingcoach system and I hope I can report further better results for my trading. Chao y gracias.
Leonardo Lara,
Bogotá, Columbia, 10th August 2012.
I have finally found the right trading education, mentor and method.
Hi Andrew, I am finally seeing positive results and consistency in my trading. It’s like, I finally get it! After 1-2 years of hopping from system to system, I have finally found the right trading education, mentor and method to aid me in achieving my goal of becoming a successful Forex Trader. Obrigado! Obrigado! Obrigado! for all you do. It is greatly appreciated!
Cassandra Jones,
Virginia, USA, 10th August 2012.
Client makes 5.9% profit in the week using the methods taught by Andrew Mitchem on The Forex Trading Coach Course.
Hi Andrew, What a fantastic week we just had, thank you for your daily trades. I did very well on short time frame charts banking 5.9% profit 0.5% risk. per trade. Thanks again, and see you at the webinar.
Ireland, 24th July 2012.
I finally I have found a straight forward, no nonsense forex expertAfter a long time searching the net I finally I have found a straight forward, no nonsense forex expert. Andrew is a Trader first and coach second, which is a relief from the many forex experts who teach but don’t trade themselves. I had an idea of trading before but couldn’t quite tie in my methodology until I found Andrew. I wanted a trading strategy that involved real-time price action & confluence, Andrew offers this and much more. Also you can tell Andrew is forever striving to better his techniques by researching and creating new indicators (non-lagging), template, etc and freely sharing these with his members. Andrew also took time out from trading to personally chat to me over phone, not many.
individuals will do this. The members section on TheForexTradingCoach is also a well laid out professional site which offers course notes, videos, archive material, help/support system. I have raised one or two tickets to Andrew and he has always responded within 24 hours. If you are looking to get rich quick then this (nor any other) site is not for you.
If you are looking for an honest trading coach to learn from then this is the site. I have become more confident about placing trades and also moved to daily trades for a more clearer trading and less stressful method. Thanks Andrew and wishing you more success in the future.
D. P,(D. P requested to only use his initials),
UK, 17th July 2012.
I’ve made 21% in the last 2 weeks.
Just to let you know; had my 2nd week in a row with capital increase of 10% with Daily and Weekly time frames, 21% in 2 weeks.
Arno Deberti,
Namibia, 12th June 2012.
I only take the best looking setupsI’ve slowed my trading down to the D1 & 4 horas. I’ve learnd to be patient. I only take the best looking setups. I no longer feel if the ship has sailed , I missed a trade. I was jumping in the water and tring to swim to the boat . Anyway, I managed to get a 13% increase for May.
Travis Ochsenbine,
Ohio, USA, 3rd June 2012.
A great trade on Gold.
I decided to take the gold trade yesterday – what a ripper. Thanks for all the work you do and the daily trades , greatly appreciated.
Andrew Curtis,
Australia, 24th May 2012.
Trading Course Paid for in First Trade.
Dear Andrew & Equipe. It took quite a while until my first live trade. I was already impressed by demo trading and backtesting but live is always different. Anyway, today i had my first real profit (1hr GBPCAD) and the whole course is already paid for. I have to say that you offer an excellent product which is easy to follow and gives very clear setups. I am even able to use your teaching about Fibos in other markets now.
Peter Trachsel,
Zurich, Switzerland, 24th May 2012.
8 winning trades out of 9.
Hi Andrew, after nearly a week of study of your course I took my first trades last night. I couldn’t find too much happening on the H1 charts so started to look at the 15 m. I ended up with 9 trades for 8 winners and 1 loss. Added 12% to my demo account. Will be going live very soon if this keeps up. 4 of the winners closed for full profit and 3 others would have but I closed them out early by watching too closely, the other one missed its target by .6 of a pip and I closed it about an hour later when I woke up. This is brilliant, I can only see it getting better the more experience I get with your strategy.
Jeff Murphy,
Sydney, Australia, 22nd May 2012.
Your course has given me a new life.
Andrew, I know a lot of people take your course and are very grateful for the opportunity you have provided them in their lives , but there really are no words that I can say to let you know how your course has given me a new life. You see I’m divorced and my children live on one side of Canada and I on the other . I really don’t get to see them every day like daddies are suppose too. With this extra income that I’m earning with your course I will be able to take a lot more time off work too see them and that to me is priceless. So I just want to say Thank – You . Thank you for being a stand up guy and sharing your knowledge with others . I know it has taken you many pain staking hours to figure this all out. Your coaching is providing me with alot more than just a income stream. I don’t think I would have ever figured it out with out you.
Perry Meadus,
Canada, 29th March 2012.
Thank you for the webinars and daily trade suggestions.
Hi Andrew, Just a quick line to thank you for the webinars and daily trade suggestions, which are really useful. Last week I made 5.05% on my account, which I am delighted with. I am taking things slowly at the moment. I have further funds available to place in my trading account in due course but want to trade for say three months and take a considered view then. There is no doubt that 0.5% per trade reduces the emotion very considerably, to almost one of a “disinterested observer”
Chris Hardy,
England, 28th March 2012.
Very happy my bank has increased by 7.14%
I have just ended my first live month trading. Very happy my bank has increased by 7.14% – much better returns than National Bank. Mainly trading D1 and H1. Averaging full profit on 48% of my trades. Very pleased with the Course Notes and learning and listening to the others on the Webinar. Muito obrigado por toda sua ajuda.
Tom Midwood,
New Zealand, 26th March 2012.
Absolutely perfect, this is exactly what I had been looking for!
After having done similar mistakes as a lot of people over the last 10 years (thinking that the stock market exchange is a gold mine, loosing a few thousand euros taking big risks with very little knowledge of the actual business) I thought it was time for a change so I started to read a lot about forex on the internet. I found this market instantly captivating, and after gaining some basic knowledge, I started to look for someone to guide me in the right direction. What I was looking for was a profitable trader who would help me to learn the important rules about forex trading and how to be profitable by sharing his experience with me. And this is exactly what you get from Andrew (and so much more).A lot has been said already about the (good) quality of his course notes, the video courses and the actual trading system. What I would like to point out, is how quickly Andrew answers to all of my s. It’s just incredible how much personal attention you get from someone who surely must be very busy. Another very positive point is that Andrew shares his daily trade suggestions with you every day. This is not meant to be a signal service, but it does help me to a) learn to see the signs of a potentially profitable trade and b) actually make money while I’m learning. I can’t afford to give up my day job (yet) but I can still trade the forex market by following his trade suggestions in the morning before going to work (I live in Europe); this takes me about five minutes every day, and I hope that soon I’ll be able to also trade the shorter time frames during the day which Andrew teaches us to trade as well. I’m really glad I took the decision to purchase his trading system; thanks Andrew for helping a dream come true!
Cax, France, 22nd March 2012.
Took 21 trades, 16 winners and 5 losers.
Hi Andrew, I just wanted to let you know that i finished my first trading week on short time frames with profit. +3.3% for the week by risking only 0.25% per trade. Took 21 trades, 16 winners and 5 losers.
Ireland, 19th March 2012.
My trading has never been better.
Andrew, your course/coaching is fantastic!. My trading has never been better. My trading account has now increased by almost 60%, its great – thanks again for willing to share your knowledge.
Frans Boucken,
New Zealand, 6th March 2012.
I will personally fly to New Zealand to shake your hand.
Its been a while since we last spoke and I am pleased to say that I have been trading profitably since the start of the New Year. Up until last week I was +108% up for the year. I am not getting too carried away just yet though as I want to see consitency for an extended period of time. If this works, I will personally fly to New Zealand to shake your hand and stay at one of your places!!
Jonathan Hale,
Brisbane, Australia, 5th March 2012.
I believe that I have set the foundation for a long and prosperous endeavor by purchasing this system/education.
I decided to venture into the world of retail forex around May of 2011. Since I had no prior experience in forex trading, I was looking for a course which would offer me an education rather than just be $49 or $99 system. Have narrowed it down to two, I went with this particular one based on the great reviews it had. It has turned out to be an excellent decision. The best thing about this system is its simplicity as an earlier poster has already pointed out. And while, this information may be available for free, the way this course has been put together, it allows a complete novice to start trading successfully and not get over burdened by all the information that is out there. However, the real reason why I believe this course has such a high rating and why I have been successful using it, is how readily accessible Andrew Mitchem is to all his clients. Naturally as a complete beginner to forex trading, having gone through the course notes and while testing the system out on demo, I had a hundred questions I wanted answers for. I have always gotten a response to my s the same day, and when ever I have wanted to talk to him on skype, he has made himself available. Add to that, the live trading webinars that happen every two weeks and the daily trade suggestions that Andrew posts, the steep learning curve has not be steep at all! Also, Andrew is a very genuine individual. When I signed up for the course, I had the option of going for the online course (which is the cheapest one on offer) or the more expensive one-on-one courses. Andrew himself suggested I go for the online course as it was sufficient to understand and learn the system. That to me indicated that he was not there just to make as much money as he possibly could by selling his system. Now, having been his client for 9 months, I know that he genuinely wants his clients to learn and be successful. Além disso, pessoalmente, o que me atraiu sobre este curso foi o fato de que não era barato, portanto, eu seria forçado a investir meu tempo e esforço para aprender o sistema em vez de descontá-lo em um período de tempo muito curto. Depois de iniciar sessão para O curso me levou (um iniciante completo) cerca de 6 meses para aprender o sistema e se trocar de acordo com isso em uma conta demo. I went live in January 2012. And in the first two months of live trading, I have had a growth of 3% on my account in the two week I traded in January and 10% in February. This has been achieved with a maximum risk of 0.5% per trade. While it is still early days in my forex trading career, I believe that I have set the foundation for a long and prosperous endeavor by purchasing this system/education.
Manila, Phiippines, 27th February 2012.
Your system feels like the missing piece that pulled all of my past studies together.
Two words, “thank you.” I have been a trader for over a decade and have had great success by putting the best of different systems together along with what clicked with my style. I came across your info surfing the web and knew instantly I needed to study your system. The beauty of your approach and my own system is that we use the exact same indicators: candlesticks, bollinger bands, slow stochastic and Fibonacci. I stayed up all night reading and studying your material and had so many “aha” moments that I couldn’t sleep. Your system feels like the missing piece that pulled all of my past studies together and strengthened my understanding in truly remarkable ways.
Chad Bennis,
USA, 17th February 2012.
This is something no other trading education I have had so far could offer.
Well, I must say, I am absolutely thrilled by the results so far. Not just in my account balance, but also the changes to my confidence and the reduction of emotions from my trading. You have given me a simple, easy to understand, yet completely systematic and structured approach to my trading. Nothing is left out, from start to finish. It makes sense and it works. This is something no other trading education I have had so far could offer. And believe me I have spent many years and a lot more money on other very well recognised trading educations that did not offer, what you do. Eu percebo agora, seu método de troca e esquecer, é o que eu precisava para ajudar a remover as emoções da minha negociação, e eu adoro isso. Nenhum segundo adivinhar, não ter que sentar-se lá e assistir a tela o dia todo, fantástico. Obrigado, muito, Andrew, espero que nos encontremos pessoalmente um dia.
Roland Mueller,
Australia, 16th February 2012.
That’s a total of 6244 pips not bad in one of, if not the toughest years in Forex.
Ok this is our trading history from the 10th of Jan to December 16th using Andrews suggested daily trades for 2011 that’s given out on he’s website daily. These are our results NO bullshit and truly set and forget. TOTAL PIPS PER MONTH.
January + 1130, February + 355, March +1115, April +17 May -142, June +234, July +116 August -400 September +2115, October +465, November + 1302, December -63. That’s a total of 6244 pips not bad in one of, if not the toughest years in Forex. Now my wife and i in February and march actually closed out a number of trades early that went on to hit full profit because we were new to Andrews system so you can add roughly +400 odd pips to that total. We now just simply set and forget and when we feel like it trade also on he’s 1hr charts and made a little over +3000 pips. Forex is not an exact science and there is no holy grail but what Andrew’s coarse and software gives you works. Also Andrew is a very pleasant and approachable person that always make himself available to answer any questions you have. We are two 37 year olds with 3 children who work out of the comfort of our home thanks in a great part to Andrew so i would recommend it no questions asked.
Australia, 8th February 2012.
I can earn money while I am learning the art of Forex trading.
I took Andrew’s video course back in November and am very glad I did. My forex account is actually growing! I especially enjoy Andrew’s daily trade calls because I can earn money while I am learning the art of Forex trading. I have found Andrew to be of the highest integrity and knowledgeable. I give him the highest recommendation…5 Stars!
Thank you, Andrew.
Minnesota, USA, 1st February 2012.
I do believe that this was my best investment in forex education I’ve ever made.
I purchased Andrew’s course in October and I do believe that this was my best investment in forex education I’ve ever made. I would strongly recommend this course to anybody, who got lost in millions of books and free strategies and really wants to become finally a winning trader.
First, the course is very simple and throughout at the same time. Just after spending several hours on reading and watching videos you start to get the main idea. Then, of course, it takes days and weeks of practice to be able to use all these strategies yourself. But what’s more important is that doing that you understand that you’ve chosen a right direction. And this is a really big advantage of the course for me. Andrew doesn’t just give you several working strategies. (The main reason why traders loose money is not their bad strategies, right?) He shares with you his vision on how currencies move and why. And this knowledge really gives you so much confidence in yourself and your trading decisions so you start to trade better and better. I should also emphasize that Andrew’s support is tremendous. He always ready to answer questions by e-mail, and when several time I had technical difficulties (like I couldn’t open his trading course at my iPad) he helped me out immediately.
It was a hard decision for me to buy this course back in October but I really glad that I did that. For me Andrew’s course is definitely the best deal in forex coaching.
Russian Federation, 27th January 2012.
I don’t think it’s possible to be profitable without education.
I have realized how important the money management is. I’m very happy because I have spent some money on education rather than put it on a live account and try to make profit on my own. I don’t think it’s possible to be profitable without education.
It’s nice to see new members have joined to your “Forex community.” If you ask me what I think about your course, I can’t say anything bad. You made everything as simple as possible and your support is excellent. I wish you all the best for 2012 and keep up the good work”
Arpad Tolnai,
New Zealand, 25th January 2012.
You are the first person who gave me a true insight into how the Market works.
I really enjoyed what you teach. You are the first person who gave me a true insight into how the Market works.
Dean Farebrother,
Hertfordshire, England, 22nd January 2012.
It’s like night and day compared to the last course I made the same investment in.
I’m finding your course to be very enlightening! It’s like night and day compared to the last course I made the same investment in.
Lamont Alford,
Katy, USA, 8th January 2012.
methodology is based on plausible price action together with easily implemented visual signals for entering trades.
I am with Andrew for 6 months now and I am very satisfied, what I have got out from the course. First of all, the methodology is based on plausible price action together with easily implemented visual signals for entering trades. Stoploss and Takeprofit levels were also derived with plausible reasons, which Andrew clearly teaches during his coaching. You can trade the daily timeframes ‘part-time’ with a very limited amount of time or you can trade the H1, M15 or even M5 timeframes ‘full-time’ and boost you D1 results. Of course, you will need some time and some experience to get the same results like Andrew does, but I can confirm, that his results are definitively achievable with real money and Andrew is very willing to share, what he knows and he doesn´t hide anything from his knowledge. But beyond the system itself, there are more remarkable topics, that need to be mentioned: Andrews after-sales-service is great. He is holding fortnightly webinars for all his clients and is answering your additional questions by in a purposeful way to seriously help you to get on your own way to be an independent and successful trader. You get a very clear structure behind your trading and you are able to trade profitable with a limited amount of time. And, most important, Andrew is that kind of person, which one wants to have as a friend: he is reliable, friendly and very helpful. He sticks to what he is promising and he really wants his clients to get a good value for their purchase. Definitely my strong recommendation.
Ronald Steiner,
Germany, 15th April 2011.
when I started taking your course and daily trades I was getting more and more confidence in trading.
As far as I’m concerned 2011 was regarding the forex trading not a very good year. As I told you before I lost a lot of money in the first couple of months but when I started taking your course and daily trades I was getting more and more confidence in trading. In the end resulting in a profit of over 100% starting from june. Most of my gains I was able to make with trades based on a combination of your system and fundamentals.
Bert de Jong,
Netherlands, 22nd December 2011.
His strategy is the only one that is useful in any market condition, and that is because it involves the price action.
Andrew is a very seldom combination of a good trader and a good mentor. He is honest and his communication is straightforward. No doubt that he earns his money trading rather than helping others with forex, but it is easy to believe that he would like to help others, too. I am lucky to find him. It is only up to me if i can make my target and make living from trading. His strategy is the only one that is useful in any market condition, and that is because it involves the price action.
Zoltan Kohalmi,
Hungary, 2nd December 2011.
I really really enjoyed that webinar last night.
Well, that truly was icing on the cake for me. I really really enjoyed that webinar last night, even though it was the middle of the night for me. It was my first time taking live shorter time frame charts, and it was great to have you “coaching” me along with my trades. I say it’s icing on the cake, because it really solidified for me that this course was an excellent decision! After coming away from the webinar, I really see that it’s realistic to believe that I will be able to trade forex for a living in the very near future. Thanks so much for everything. You’re a great coach. Thanks again Andrew, I’m loving it!
Beau Hicks,
Hamilton, Canada, 1st Decemeber 2011.
Your system really does give everyone the flexibility to trade when it suits them!
I wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for all the help, webinars and daily trades recommendations you have tirelessly brought all your clients over the last year. Although I only joined in July, I have learnt so much already. At the moment I am busy, so unable to trade on the hourlies, but while I work the daily’s are growing the trading account. Your system really does give everyone the flexibility to trade when it suits them! Have a great Christmas, and do enjoy a few well earned beers for such a fantastic year! Muito bem sucedida.
Jonathan de Wet,
Melbourne, Australia, 1st December 2011.
I am blown away with how much clearer the charts have become for me within the week of using your system.
I have traded the daily and hourly charts as adviced by you with 0.5% risk per trade and have managed to return 5.5% for the week. I’m not sure if this is beginners luck or this is typically what can be expected but either way I am blown away with how much clearer the charts have become for me within the week of using your system.
Russell Ingwersen,
Australia, 27th November 2011.
Andrew is a Forex Guru and one of the best coaches the industry has to offer.
The ultimate option is to put the power of currency trading at your fingertips with Andrew Mitchem. I am in constant awe and respect at the level of knowledge and discipline Andrew displays. Andrew is a Forex Guru and one of the best coaches the industry has to offer, no doubt. His Forex course is backed up with daily very profitable trade recommendations and fortnightly webinars where you can review your trades, fine tune your techniques and continue to learn the skills of the trade. Andrew will teach you how to develop your personal trading style, hold you accountable for what you’ve decided to do and help you secure your edge in the market.
Frans Boucken,
Waihi, New Zealand (as written on his website forexonline. co. nz ), 27th November 2011.
I learn a lot from seeing live trades being placed in real time.
I do not know of anyone doing this. To be successful at anything you have to be at the coal face and doing it. This is the true test on any taught system. I am really impressed with the on going improvements and evolution of the course. Rather than just sell you a course and leave it to the client to figure it out – as many so called Forex coaches do, you have demonstrated that true learning is on going. Your passion for what you teach shows in your continual input. To date – the best money I have spent. Please keep up all the great work.
Scott Blundell,
Australia, 24th November 2011.
As part of the online course you have kindly given me access to your daily trades.
I am enjoying your course and am finally having some success trading forex. Thank you, I am grateful I found you on the Forex Peace Army site. As part of the online course you have kindly given me access to your daily trades for 3 months. I’m finding this invaluable. I’m looking for trade setups prior to looking at your daily trades to see if I’m seeing what you are suggesting and whether they marry up. I’m finding this to be very good training.
Michael Flavell,
Australia, 23rd November 2011.
It’s amazing what the charts say.
I’m starting to see examples. It’s amazing what the charts say. It’s like looking at one of those 3D pictures. Then it hits you and it’s like WOW.
Travis Ochsenbine,
USA, 10th November 2011.
Since I started with you my account is up over 25%
Thank you for everything Andrew. Since I started with you my account is up over 25%. Yea.
Dale Calder,
Idaho, USA, 5th November 2011.
Your training program is simply astounding, thank you so much.
Your training program is simply astounding, thank you so much for that. In 5 months my account has increased by 60 percent thanks to you. Best regards Kaido from Estonia.
Estonia, 1st November 2011.
your system and course is very simple and easy to follow.
I am extremely happy with the course, with what I have learned so far and continue to do so. Perhaps the best part is your accessibility. And the webinars are an excellent resource. It has certainly made a steep learning curve…..not so steep! In fact your system and course is very simple and easy to follow.
Omar Ghias,
Manila, Phillipines, 25th October 2011.
Truly, if you are looking to trade, then do yourself a favour and join up with Andrews Forex Trading Coach.
I have been trading with Andrew now for just over a year. Last week I was away and i knew I wasnt going to be able to trade. Just before I left for my flight i quickly jumped onto Andrews site just to look at the daliy trades, I noticed Andrew had wriiten about 8 weeklys, so I quickly put them on. … I came home to $5G. I spent 5 mins putting those trades on … not bad for a weeks worth of no effort huh ? Truly, if you are looking to trade, then do yourself a favour and join up with Andrews Forex Trading Coach. It is thee best move I had made in my whole life.
Valerie Pasquale,
Melbourne, Australia, 22nd October 2011.
Your trading style and system is absolutely to my liking and just fits me perfectly.
I started demo trading on the 29th of September closing last night with 3 Losses and 11 wins, with a 3.18% total growth of capital. I was trading daily charts only. I don’t think all these trades were “Beginners luck” since I first check all the charts, write down my entry and exits and then compare with your daily trades, and every time I have almost identically picked the same trades as my mentor…… I am proud of myself and happy for a start!!Your trading style and system is absolutely to my liking and just fits me perfectly. Haven’t felt like that before with all the previous programmes and systems I have bought!
Arno Deberti,
Namibia, 8th October 2011.
invest in this program Take the time to learn it.
Hello I’m Mike. 55 year old looking to supplement my retirement income when I stumbled upon Andrew’s website. First of all, I have never written a review for anyone or thing, but I must say something about this program. If you want to learn to trade the forex market(I think the program will work for any tradable market) invest in this program. Take the time to learn it, trade in demo, follow along in the webinars provided by Andrew, ask any questions you may have and you will learn to trade in a confident manner. I have found every aspect of the training excellent, Andrew is a patient, easy going teacher and he really seems to enjoy what he is providing. He constantly introduces new trading tools to his program, provides daily trading recommendations and is always there to answer any questions. Five star rating and would recommend to anyone. Thank you Andrew.
Seattle, USA, 8th October 2011.
Cheers again for all of your commitment to your clients.
I have had much success of late thanks to you. This has been working really well for me. Yesterday I set up 16 trades. 14 came in winners, some not for very much but some did very well. I spent maybe 1 1/2 hours max in front of the computer and made $598.I am really happy with that. My account has grown 32% in 7 weeks Open-mouth smile.
Cheers again for all of your commitment to your clients.
Shay Muddle,
Queenstown, New Zealand, 7th October 2011.
It is early days for me as a Forex Trader but I feel confident about my new career.
I bought the video course from TheForexTradingCoach by Andrew Mitchem and have completed the course actually doing everything two or three times to really soak it up and have just finished the second week of trading a demo account.
The first week I was referring back to things to do it just right and occasionally trading on a whim a bad idea!
I really enjoyed the course mainly because I relaxed about understanding it and how long or short a time it might take and trusted that Andrew would teach me what to do and how to do it. I had to read, watch and listen and it all became clear.
I experienced excitement at doing things that I understood whether they went right or wrong and was supported as much as I wanted to be.
I found that when I had a question, if I wrote it out to be precise about what I wanted, I realised I had the answer in the course work already and although I have attended five ‘Webinars’ I have only asked two questions and felt it was really ok to do so and happy with the answer.
It is early days for me as a Forex Trader but I feel confident about my new career and very happy with the support I have had to accelerate my launch into it.
The next step for me is being comfortable to start a small live account having practiced with the demo one, which I estimate will be in about three or four weeks time.
This course was recomended to me by a friend I trust who had done a lot of research into this and other courses and talked to self taught traders and I bought it knowing I needed the support of a trainer and that Andrew’s course would be just right for me and it has been.
I am rating TheForexTradingCoach course with five stars because it has given me exactly what I wanted and that is the highest recomendation I can give, especially of something so potentially life changing as this for me.
Auckland, New Zealand, 6th October 2011.
Your system is well justified and proven and most of all it works.
I think your course is absolutely brilliant!! Your system is well justified and proven and most of all it works. The learning resources that you give is awsome. I especially like the fact that I can contact you and ask you questions anytime and your response is quick. I also like the webinars they are really helpful.
Auckland, New Zealand, 5th October 2011.
You made the steep learning curve of navigating MetaTrader so easy.
You made the steep learning curve of navigating MetaTrader so easy.
Queensland, Australia, 5th October 2011.
I managed to increase my account by 8.9%
Sept was a good month as I managed to increase my account by 8.9%
Auckland, New Zealand, 5th October 2011.
I’ve taken the odd extra to your recommendation and have been getting good results.
My trading is going ok… I’m up about 11% on my live account since the beginning of August. The daily’s have been going well, I’ve taken the odd extra to your recommendation and have been getting good results – these seem to be my profit makers at present.
R. Stieller,
New Zealand, 5th October 2011.
i feel very positive for my trading future now.
Account up just over 2% in just over a week.
I would also like to say thanks Andrew, i feel very positive for my trading future now, with your method already feeling comfortable with me and some of my previous two years of learnings.
L. Williams,
Te Awamutu, New Zealand, 5th October 2011.
The course has been a fantastic introduction to forex trading for me.
I got into Andrew’s online course a few months ago, and have really enjoyed the learning experience and the continued support provided by Andrew. The course has been a fantastic introduction to forex trading for me, and while it has taken me a few months to start trading profitably, I am now trading in a consistently profitable manner. The main reason for my initial drawdown was simply not knowing the course “inside out” – which I subsequently took the time to really internalise, before throwing more money at the market. Andrew has been there every step of the way, and I am now happy to say that my account is incrementally increasing! In my opinion, the best part of Andrew’s course is the fortnightly webinars where trades and reviewed, questions are answered and Andrew is available for general help/guidance. On top of this, his daily trade recommendations have been returning consistently high profits (beating the big players by a large percentage!) as well as providing good examples by which to trade the smaller timeframes. Essentially Andrew’s course is based on technical analysis with a few indicators and proprietary software, and incudes his ongoing support through webinars etc..It’s a fantastic course! My advice is to learn it well, and start off with small trades (or demo account trades) until you learn and prove to yourself that you are taking consistently good setups. The course is well worth the investment, and just taking the daily recommendations will see you turn it into a profit in no time. Combine it with Andrew’s guidance, and you will give yourself a good grounding for a profitable trading career. Thanks Andrew – I appreciate your patience and good nature with all of us on the learning curve! Good luck out there!
Jonathan W,
Australia, 3rd October 2011.
Andrew is a really good guy always readily available and i would happily recommend.
Hi we purchased Andrews course and indicators in January. Originally we purchased it to simplify our trading and simply trade off he’s daily recommendations. By the end of April we had closed out over 3000 pips in total. May June July we literally break even months. But that’s when we started taking alot more notice of the 1hr time frame and we started to trade the 1hr ever since. With great results we have been averaging 350-500 + pips per week and this week we have already hit 580 pips. Without bullshiting this is achieved most weeks by Wednesday computer closed of to enjoy the week. We trade for a living using a 50k account 1 lot per 10k which by the way Andrew would freak over but we are very comfortable with that and have been trading like that for atleast two years. Andrew is a really good guy always readily available and i would happily recommend and have done so already he’s course to anyone thinking of trying Forex. We blow 68k before we found Andrew and have been consistantly making good pips week in week out since January even with the loses.
Grant & Monika R,
Australia, 9th August 2011.
I decided to take Andrews online video course to fast track my Forex education.
Hi im Reece, a 22 year old male from hamilton NZ. I decided to take Andrews online video course back in April 2011 to fast track my Forex education. I (like most people) was a bit sceptical of Forex education & managed funds after loosing & wasting money in both… However i can assure you – Andrews course does not fall into this category. The course was far better than i expected, he doesnt hide anything and is only an away if you have any further questions. Currently Im trading part time averaging 5% a week. Thanks again Andrew, mean course cuz!
Hamilton, New Zealand, 7th July 2011.
I am with Andrew for 6 months now and I am very satisfied, what I have got out from the course. First of all, the methodology is based on plausible price action together with easily implemented visual signals for entering trades. Stoploss and Takeprofit levels were also derived with plausible reasons, which Andrew clearly teaches during his coaching. You can trade the daily timeframes ‘part-time’ with a very limited amount of time or you can trade the H1, M15 or even M5 timeframes ‘full-time’ and boost you D1 results. Of course, you will need some time and some experience to get the same results like Andrew does, but I can confirm, that his results are definitively achievable with real money and Andrew is very willing to share, what he knows and he doesn´t hide anything from his knowledge. But beyond the system itself, there are more remarkable topics, that need to be mentioned: Andrews after-sales-service is great. He is holding fortnightly webinars for all his clients and is answering your additional questions by in a purposeful way to seriously help you to get on your own way to be an independent and successful trader. You get a very clear structure behind your trading and you are able to trade profitable with a limited amount of time.
And, most important, Andrew is that kind of person, which one wants to have as a friend: he is reliable, friendly and very helpful. He sticks to what he is promising and he really wants his clients to get a good value for their purchase.
Definitely my strong recommendation.
Ronald Steiner,
Germany, 15th April 2011.
Since learning the course i finally feel confident, optimistic and excited about my forex future.
I have been learning to trade the forex market now for 8mths. I started off the same as most of you, reading a plethora of books, web sites and purchasing a few DVDs. However they never satisfied my confidence to tackle this market. My biggest mistake was not undertaking this course earlier. Since learning the course i finally feel confident, optimistic and excited about my forex future. The course is excellent value, teaches a solid system and is the complete package required to tackle the market consistently. It caters for all trading personalities but emphasizes key rules to help control your emotions.
Personally what I love most about the course is the ongoing support. Andrew always answers and replies to questions promptly. The fortnightly webinars are an excellent learning tool which i thoroughly enjoy. Helps reinforce the system and answers any questions that you or any other student has.
Also Andrew continues to improve the service by providing you extra tools to help improve you your trading at no extra cost.
Andrew is the real deal, if your serious about making it in this world, Andrew will help and guide you in the correct direction.
Sydney, Australia, 29th March 2011.
I then was introduced to Andrew Mitchem and signed up for his video course at a very reasonable price.
I have spent countless thousands of dollars on so called gurus who offered the world and delivered nothing. I then was introduced to Andrew Mitchem and signed up for his video course at a very reasonable price. That was a month ago. Yes, I had been taking my own trades for the previous 12 months and have done ok. But since signing up to Andrew’s course I have been averaging $800 – $1000 profit every day on a $100,000 account. Last week I sold my own business and now am trading full time with Andrew spending less than an hour a day on the computer. I am moving overseas in 2 weeks, something I have always wished to do. I will continue to trade whilst overseas. So within 4 weeks of meeting Andrew I have sold my business, retired, moving overseas and still making up to $1000 a day. All at 45 years of age. Andrew, you are a magician.
Chris Glasl,
Melbourne, Australia, 27th March 2011.
his knowledge on forex is amazing, and he always has time for his students.
Firstly i can’t go past saying how great Andrews support is. I get s back in rapid time, his knowledge on forex is amazing, and he always has time for his students. I began reading about forex online but was still trading in the dark until Andrews course. After the 1 on 1 coaching, everything just fell into place. I’ve taken a number of courses in the past and have been shocked at what people have charged versus the knowledge and skills gained from it. Andrews was the first where I didn’t get this feeling.
Auckland, New Zealand, 14th February 2011.
I can honestly say that watching Andrews training videos has given me the confidence and conviction for success.
Updated 12th April 2011. I have been LIVE trading with Andrew now since Jan 2011 and always take his potential trades that he sends to his clients every day of the week with a good percentage of winning trades. Recently I have branched out and started taking my own trades as well, and have been pleasantly surprised with the results. I can honestly say that watching Andrews training videos has given me the confidence and conviction for success. I never thought i would ever be able to understand enough to take my own trades, but here I am. Though I think Andrew misses all the s i use to send him about my dramas ! Once again Andrew, thankyou. You really have changed my life. In Nov 2010 i went to N. Z to have a one on one course with Andrew Mitchem – Forex Trading Coach, as i have stated in my 1st review he is by far the best, with honesty and integrity being first and foremost. Since then i have purchased his new online video for a hugely reduced amount because i am already a client of Andrews and i can tell you its the best thing since sliced bread ! To be able to go back time and time again on a particular section and watch the video explaining everything that i want to know and understand more of is invaluable, learning something new everytime i watch a section of the many videos that Andrew has downloaded. I highly recommend spending a small amount of money to get huge returns.
10th February 2011 & 12th April 2011.
trust me Andrew has the methodoligy to assist me, and has produced the goods I need to apply it more consistantly.
Comerades, I do not have to tell you that the world of FX education is like an art gallery full of fake paintings all for sale at the same price and indistinguishable from the genuine ones. In my quest to produce consistant profits and reduce losses, have paid handsomly for “fake” tution, education and robots that fail to produce the goods. I have done this because the fakes are mostly only obvious after the money has changed hands, and the goods are not produced. On Saturday the 28th of August 2010 I had I days paid tution with Andrew Mitchem, and have benifited form his ongoing support since, consistant profits have been made since this time, or in other words, the goods have been produced. This is not the end of the road, rather a begining, last month my account size increased by 6.9%, with weeky profits being made, this can be improved on not by making more money but rather losing less, trust me Andrew has the methodoligy to assist me, and has produced the goods I need to apply it more consistantly to benifit more, 2% a week compounding is my goal, watch this space for an update.
Auckland, New Zealand, 7th February 2010.
Using Andrews’s systems, sticking to the rules and finding your own trading patterns you will be a successful trader.
I found Andrew online after becoming interested in FOREX. I had read A LOT of info online with hundreds of trading systems and became confused.
Andrew had a great system that is really simple to use and understand.
He also shares his daily trades with you and is there for any questions you have. you also have access to fortnightly webinars which are live and extremely informative!
Using Andrews’s systems, sticking to the rules and finding your own trading patterns you will be a successful trader!
Auckland, New Zealand, 7th February 2011.
I would highly recommend Andrew as a coach to anyone interested in learning to trade.
I studied the Forex Coach course with Andrew at the end of 2010. The system that he teaches is simple to understand and implement. Andrew comes across as a very friendly person without the usual hard sell approach that is only too prevalent in this business. The course is ideal for those who wish to day trade or (as Andrew himself prefers) for those who have less “screen time” and would rather place end of day trades taking perhaps 15 -30 mins at night. He sends out daily trade recommendations which had a success rate last year of around 97% gain for the year, so even if you just follow the recommendations you should do well. What is perhaps most important in this industry which has far too many shysters, is that Andrew stands out as a man of honesty and integrity, and the transparency of his recommendations which are delivered prior to the next days activity and his results which are completely verifiable are a refreshing change from the usual ‘smoke and mirrors’ offerings from others. I would highly recommend Andrew as a coach to anyone interested in learning to trade.
London, UK, 6th February 2011.
The main benefit for me is that he teaches a good daily trade strategy.
After spending 4 years trying to learn a variety of different systems and failing badly I was just about to give up on the forex business when I came across Andrews web site and decided to give it one more shot, I took Andrews course which provided a concise manual that showed his money management system and his trading tools and strategys. Andrew sent me this information to digest prior to spending a two evening webinair training session with me. Andrew is very open and easy to talk tohe provides daily suggestions for trades and gives good back up support, The main benefit for me is that he teaches a good daily trade strategy that if traded with the all important money management system takes the emotional issues out of trading. I have been trading live for over a week using his recommendations and software pointers and made 5% on my account , I realize that this is early days but I can honestly say that this is the first time that I have felt comfortable enough with a strategy and system to go live, I also find his support excellent. I would strongly recommend Andrew as a person and as a trainer.
Colin Leahy,
Windsor, UK, 21st January 2011.
he has with him a host of valuable tools that cater to every indivudal need and style of trading.
I have now been coached by Andrew for over a year. Frankly if not for him I would have given up!!
Prior to coming into contact with Andrew I had been trading for a year trying to “learn” through various means with poor results. Unfortunately, due to having a full time job that demands a lot of my time, I have limited time available for forex trading. So I had a roller coaster experience trying to successfully trade in forex. But when I met Andrew everything changed, and now I continue to trade.
What is most important with Andrew is that he is defintly NOT after your dollar! The entire programmes and service he offers clearly demonstrates his honesty and integrity. I believe these are the most important ingredients in a coach. From the inception, his main interest is for you to succeed. To achieve this, he has with him a host of valuable tools that cater to every indivudal need and style of trading.
Do you want to enter the exciting world of forex trading? YOU CANNOT FIND SAFER HANDS TO PLACE YOURSELF IN.
Eraj Wijesinghe,
Colombo, Sri Lanka, 6th January 2011.
I started trading FOREX since April’10. At the beginning i follow some free educational materials from the internet, those were good but not good enough to make PIPs for my account. Then i decided to take training on how to trade properly. I took couple of courses but most of them were not good enough to make money from this battle field, even i lost a lot of money using some system because of lack of proper money management. After that i was bit frustrated, thinking to gave up FOREX trading. At that time i thought it is only for BIG PLAYERS. But one day i got Andrew’s website from google. I decided to gave a last try in FOREX training which i think was the best decision, so far , regarding FOREX coaching.
In the one-to-one webinar, he taught me a system for short term chart trading with couple of defined RULEs using PRICE ACTION and some Indicators. Those organised rules with proper money management gave me consistent result in trading FOREX.
Andrew has another strategy for long term chart trading which is exceptionally good. He showed me how to enter and exit the market with 3:1 or more RR. Every day he sent us trade recommendations for long term chart trading using his methodology. Pls Andrew don’t stop sending those recommendations.
Using 0.5% (which is very low ) risk on each trade, now i am getting very good return on my account consistently and i am planning to trade FOREX full-time if i get similar result in comming 3-4 months.
Finally, the support after the course is exceptionally good. He runs forthnightly webinar for his students where we can discuss any trading issues.
I highly recommend Andrew’s course to anyone who want to make consistent profit in FOREX.
Thanks Andrew for developing such a good training course and strategies.
Mohammed Bhuyan,
Sydney, Australia, 30th December 2010.
I have been involved in forex trading for over 12 months. I’ve done a few ‘internationally recognised’ high cost courses which promised the world but their post-course customrer service and on-going training support was severely lacking. Had it not been for a chance e-mail from someone I had met from one of the other courses that put me onto The Forex Trading Coach – Andrew Mitchem – I would have given up. I read through Andrew’s website and it sparked my interest again. I sent him an e-mail and expected the usual ‘salesman’ calling me back. Now if this is what you’re expecting you’re going to be very disappointed. Andrew is anything but a forex system salesman – he doesn’t need to be! What he has to offer is the real deal. He called me within a few hours of sending the e-mail and spent considerable time on the phone with me going over my experience so far, my trading personality, my goals, my challenges etc. He actually cared about what I wanted to get out of forex and not ‘how much he could sell me’ – what a breath of fresh air. I took his course and it was the best money that I’ve invested in my forex training. For the money I paid to Andrew, other companies give you half of the initial training. But Andrew doesn’t stop there – he backs up his training and ensures that you get all the support you need to get you trading profitably without paying out hand-over-fist for each new bit of the puzzle.
His manual is easy to follow and based on sound information that can bring you up to speed if your a beginner or put it all into context if you’ve ahd a bit more exposure like myself. His training videos are solid and well worth going through as there’s no hype – just plain speak and concrete examples. You will not come away from his training and not understand. The indicators and computer support are fantastic. But the real benefit of The forex Trading Coach over all the other systems and courses I’ve done – the ongoing personal support – seriously, you will not find this anywhere else and it costs no more. Regular webinars reinforce the system and are a great forum for Andrew to answer questions. what I particulalry like is hearing other people’s questions and the answers to them as often it’s things I haven’t considered yet so this speeds up the learning process. Andrew even replies to e-mailed questions within a short time period – try and get that kind of follow-up support anywhere else.
So, would I recommend The Forex Trading Coach – in a heartbeat. I’ve tried others and not succeeded, I’ve lost money and invested it in the wrong training groups, I even got to the point where giving up seemed like the best option – Andrew was my last ditch effort before calling this a mugs game. Now I’m a believer – there is money out there to be made and with this system and support you can join a whole lot of us that have been trained under Andrew and are now enjoying both the money and the market.
I am happy for Andrew to give out my contact details to anyone seriously interested in doing this training – I know that there are a lot of big talkers and promises out there so it can be hard deciding where to put your training dollars, you won’t regret putting them here.
Wellington, New Zealand, 30th November 2010.
I highly recommend Andrew’s course to anyone who want to make consistent profit in FOREX.
I started trading FOREX since April’10. At the beginning i follow some free educational materials from the internet, those were good but not good enough to make PIPs for my account. Then i decided to take training on how to trade properly. I took couple of courses but most of them were not good enough to make money from this battle field, even i lost a lot of money using some system because of lack of proper money management. After that i was bit frustrated, thinking to gave up FOREX trading. At that time i thought it is only for BIG PLAYERS. But one day i got Andrew’s website from google. I decided to gave a last try in FOREX training which i think was the best decision, so far , regarding FOREX coaching. In the one-to-one webinar, he taught me a system for short term chart trading with couple of defined RULEs using PRICE ACTION and some Indicators. Those organised rules with proper money management gave me consistent result in trading FOREX. Andrew has another strategy for long term chart trading which is exceptionally good. He showed me how to enter and exit the market with 3:1 or more RR. Every day he sent us trade recommendations for long term chart trading using his methodology. Pls Andrew don’t stop sending those recommendations. Using 0.5% (which is very low ) risk on each trade, now i am getting very good return on my account consistently and i am planning to trade FOREX full-time if i get similar result in comming 3-4 months.
Finally, the support after the course is exceptionally good. He runs forthnightly webinar for his students where we can discuss any trading issues. I highly recommend Andrew’s course to anyone who want to make consistent profit in FOREX. Thanks Andrew for developing such a good training course and strategies.
Valerie Pasquale,
Melbourne, Australia, 30th November 2010.
He was being realistic and honest about how to trade professionally.
I have just completed Andrews course over 2 sessions via a webinar, which worked well. The first thing to say about Andrew is that he is a genuine nice guy, in an industry replete with scallywags and crooks.
And just as importantly, he is a good teacher. He went through some basic concepts, and advanced through his system in such a way as to make it very easy to follow. The system itself is based on very sound and logical price action principles, with an indicator to help you spot the patterns, and 2 indicators to help stack things in your favour. Support and resistance and daily pivot points are also used, as are round numbers, again, all logical stuff. As other reviewers have mentioned, Andrew teaches a money management approach that allows you to risk very small amounts, yet still make excellent gains on your account – so any losing trades do not put you off executing your next deal. This immediately appealed to me, for unlike others in this industry, he was being realistic and honest about how to trade professionally. What Andrew has taught me has actually reinforced my own ideas about the way the markets should be traded – which mainly is that price action is king. I think this course and system is suitable for both beginners and more advanced traders. The support has being second to none, and another great thing is that every 2 weeks Andrew hosts webinars for all, for free, which just goes to show that he wants you to succeed and learn. I have made some trades live using the skills Andrew has taught me, and have met with great success. I would highly recommend Andrew if you want to get your trading on track, what he teaches actually works!
York, UK, 15th September 2010.
Definitely the best value I have had from any forex education.
I was very skeptical before enrolling with the ForexTrading coach. Seems everyone is selling forex education but no one is trading it. I had the opportunity to hear Andrew speak and was impressed with his honesty and integrity. I was also able to talk with some past students which gave me more confidence. Any doubts I had were quickly dispelled with the quality of his course notes and software. Andrew teaches a complete system which works. He trades it himself everyday. The support after the course is first rate. You wont find better. He sends daily with his trade selection and we have webinars twice a month. Any queries are answered the same day. Definitely the best value I have had from any forex education.
Mark Williams,
Auckland, New Zealand, 14th September 2010.
This complete package represents exceptional value for money.
My wife and I are full time traders. We have been using a trading system from Andrew Mitchem and TheForexTradingCoach since February 2010. Now, 6 months later, it is time to review our experience warts and allThere is a one off upfront fee to pay and the package consists of proprietary software that provides;SMS, and visual/audio chart alerts that identify potential trade set ups.
candle patterns identifiers e. g. pinbars, engulfing bars, outside bars, hanging men, dojis etc.
negative or positive divergence alerts using the slow stochastic setup.
daily support and resistance levels (automatically updated prior to the Asian session open)
OCO (one cancels other) entry, stop and exit application for news trading.
Fibonacci retracements and extensions.
round number levelsThe software is applicable to all time frames e. g. scalping, swing and position trading and comes with a comprehensive instruction manual written in plain English, so it’fs not that difficult to understand. Your money also buys youA one day coaching session with Andrew Mitchem, either one on one, a small group (up to 6 people) or by webinar. The fee is scaled depending on which coaching option is chosen. Daily trade recommendations. These are ed between 10am -11am New Zealand time prior to the Asian open with a detailed explanation of why the recommended currency pairs should be traded in the upcoming Asian, London and New York sessions. These are trades taken by Andrew Mitchem using his live account and the live accounts of clients who have managed funds with TheForexTradingCoach. Reviews and updates of the previous days trade recommendations. This update catalogues which trades have hit their profit target, trades that have been stopped out or trades that are still active, either out of the money or in profit and why they are still valid trades. Ongoing training and educational webinars. These are held at 8.30pm New Zealand time during the London session. If a short term trade set up presents itself, then a live trade will be taken. The webinars run for approximately 60 – 90 mins, they are interactive and questions are encouraged. Technical software updates (at no additional charge)Customer support. Whether this be of a technical nature or asking for thoughts/views on a particular trade, enquiries were answered promptly. From the 6 month period of 22 February 2010 to the date of this review (30 July 2010), there have been 313 daily trade recommendations received. Using a 1:2 win/loss ratio, each trade was recorded over a 24 hour time frame (the upcoming Asian, London and New York sessions). 117 of these trades were stopped out for a total loss of 8,585 pips and 196 trades were profitable for a potential total gain of 21,630 pips. This represents a 62.5% win/loss ratio and a potential nett gain of 13,045 pips (or an average of 576 nett pips per week). This is an excellent win/loss record by any professional traders standard. To further illustrate these figures; during the same 6 month recorded period, we were able to bank between nett 100 to 500 pips per week. We had an exceptional week from 14 – 21 May 2010 where we placed 36 trades, were stopped out on 9 and had 27 winning trades for a nett total of 1,198 pips.
It has been difficult to obtain accurate profit data from other Forex trading organizations in order to compare profit results with TheForexTradingCoach. Our experience has been that the few profit data histories we did receive fell far short when compared week by week and month by month with TheForexTradingCoach trade historical data.
In conclusion, we find it hard to fault the coaching/software package, ongoing webinar training/education, daily trade recommendations and customer support. Not having to pay a monthly subscription fee is a pleasant surprise compared to most other trading organizations in the Forex world. We think that this is a trading system suitable for the raw beginner who knows zip about Forex and the experienced trader looking for that edge. In hindsight, if we’d had this information when we first started trading, we could have saved ourselves the pain and agony of blowing our first account.
It is our opinion that this complete package represents exceptional value for money.
Gavin & Beverley Hurlimann,
Auckland, New Zealand, 31st July 2010.
I have been under Andrew’s guidance now for over 6 months.
I have been under Andrew’s guidance now for over 6 months. I am currently trading and studying Fx full time. I learn every day. In trying to learn the Forex Market, I’ve learnt that forex is full, and I mean chocka block with rip off artists. People & companies hiding behind the huge disclaimer that comes with their trading instrument, taking advantage of people’s naivety. They all sell a system but very very few back it up. As I see it, a system teaches you to view the market, learn and develop your own style of trading but this takes a lot of time. So to me, it was the back up support (on going learning) that seemed so VERY Important and “how” it got delivered. Andrew shines in this area, as well as having a system that he trades, teaches and lives by personally, he seems to passionately care. That’s the important bit, “he cares”.In my search for a coach to learn forex through (“and it’s hard”), he has been excellent in helping me to develop slowly with ongoing support. I admire him. I give Andrew permission to give other people my number so they can call me to verify the above.
Shane Watkins,
Lake Tekapo, New Zealand, 22nd July 2010.
Andrew – the Forex Trading Coach, is one of the good guys.
I have been involved in Forex trading for the last 12 months. In that time I have come across a number of scams, get rich quick schemes and systems which promise everything but deliver very little. However, Andrew – the Forex Trading Coach, is one of the good guys. He teaches a system based on bespoke indicators which works…and follows that up with mentoring, support and frequent live-trading webinar sessions to provide a complete package. Happy to recommend.
Sandy Russell,
Auckland, New Zealand, 19th July 2010.
This month I am up to 13 consecutive winning trades.
After trading forex for 18 months and just managing to break even most months i dont even know why i didnt give up to be honest. After realising i was a victim of one of many well marketed scams out there that suck you in by making outragous claims of how much money you will make ect, i decided not to give up, which led to coming across TheForexTradingCoach. After communicating with Andrew via (all replys were same day) i had a good feeling as he seemed to be a genuine guy. The thought of being trained one on one by a full time trader and not just a salesman claiming he is a successfull trader really appealed to me. I have now been trading using Andrews system for three months and have been very profitable every week since. This month i am up to 13 consecutive winning trades with no losers so far, it almost seems too good to be true. I would highly reccomend Andrew’s course to anyone looking at acheiving realistic goals with their trading.
Melbourne, Australia, 18th July 2010.
It is based off some sound principles of price action.
I completed the webinar training session which worked exceptionally well. Supported by hardcopy materials and some MT4 indicators, Andrew took me carefully through his system. In terms of the system: It is based off some sound principles of price action (which the indicators help identity) and risk/reward ratio – and it works. He covers a money management concept where I can accumulate my account through risking only 0.05% of my bank per trade. In terms of the webinar: this worked well and was easy to follow along with in real time. In terms of customer service: Excellent – Andrew provides free followup questions in addition to some other regular reinforcement s/webinars. As we covered everything in ahead of the normal time he allows – Andrew offered a one hour followup session in a couple of weeks at no charge to make sure I was good with the system. Highly recommended.
John Mulley,
Sydney, Australia, 15th July 2010.
The course so it’s easy to understand.
The forex trading coach Andrew Mitchem. I highly recommend Andrew. He has spent a lot of time setting out the course so it’s easy to understand. I did the his course via Webinar over 2 days, I live in Australia, he in New Zealand so it can be done any were in the world. There is support when you need and lots of videos & reading material to go through, he has fortnightly webinars with live trading so you don’t feel alone after the course .
Alvin Gaissl,
Melbourne, Australia, 15th July 2010.
Trade what you see and not what you feel.
The suggestion to check out Andrew Mitchem’s Forex Trading Coach website came from a Forex Broker I was trading with at the time. After considerable thought, contact with Andrew followed and his personable, straightforward down to earth approach, had me enrolled for his course and software. The support Andrew has provided through one on one tuition, prompt responses to both phone and enquiry, on going software upgrade and regular online live trading webinars has assisted my knowledge of his forex trading philosophy and system. His encouragement to “trade what you see and not what you feel” has proved sound advice and in my experience contributed greatly to my trading success.
Christchurch, New Zealand, 10th July 2010.
Net gain of 1198 pips banked in the last 5 days.
Hi Andrew, Just had our best trading week so far…..
36 trades taken. Stopped out on 9 trades for a total of 306 pips lost. 27 winning trades for a total of 1504 pips gained. Nett gain of 1198 pips banked in the last 5 days. Pretty cool eh.
Have a great weekendKind regards.
Gavin & Beverley Hurlimann,
Auckland, New Zealand, 22nd May 2010.
I highly recommend The Forex Trading Coach to anyone that wants to be profitable in the Forex market.
The Forex Trading Coach is fantastic. Andrew flew over from New Zealand to teach me how to trade. It’s a very simple system that Andrew teaches, but it’s highly effective. My first week of trading the Forex I made 600 pips. The support is very good and all my questions got answered within the day. I highly recommend The Forex Trading Coach to anyone that wants to be profitable in the Forex market.
Noosa Heads, Queensland, Australia, 3rd February 2010.
I have reduced my time in front of the computer incredibly and increased my success rate unbelievably.
A serious health setback forced me to look at a new way of earning an income. For 5 months I spent 10 hrs a day looking at and learning trading systems. The market is flooded with scams and automated systems that do not work. There are dozens of lagging trend, volume and oscillating indicators, that show you what you should have done. You are always too late. You can never believe how stupid you are. You hear yourself saying “I should have known”. The thing is you don’t know. Hind sight is exact sight! To find an honest trading coach with a proven system that has a high percentage success is a blessing. His software system uses Japanese candlestick pattern recognition, Fib ratios, and support and resistance levels which enable you to select high probability trades. The course includes trading software and a course manual covering everything taught on the course. He teaches you when to enter and exit. I understand Forex trading now better than ever and trade with confidence. I have reduced my time in front of the computer incredibly and increased my success rate unbelievably. Andrew is a friendly polite person, whom offers great follow up support, either by phone or skype. I find the regular training videos I receive by excellent. The course costs are inexpensive considering what you can loose and what is charged in the market. I am a happy camper, and look forward to 2010.Thank you Andrew.
Johann Loots,
Auckland, New Zealand, 18th December 2009.
Since using the Forex Coach system we have been able to improve our risk reward ratio.
We took the Forex coaching course 2 months ago and found it has improved our understanding of the market movements and enabled us to choose the most probable trades with amazing accuracy. This method is superior to trading automated FX signals as it enables understanding of technical analysis and individual risk management.
The system is independent from news trading and reliable in results and we certainly recommend it. Andrew is very supportive in his training and always answers questions promptly. He has a sound knowledge of the FOREX market and the training videos are easy to understand.
Since using the Forex Coach system we have been able to improve our risk reward ratio while avoiding unfavourable trades.
Auckland, New Zealand, 28th November 2009.
Worth doing the course for anyone who is considering to do Forex trading seriously.
I thoroughly enjoyed Andrew’s training. It is a lot to learn in a day but a very useful course. After completion of the course I tried to combine Technical trading along with Fundamental trading. The Stop Loss, Take Profit and Fibonacci methods help a lot. Well worth doing the course for anyone who is considering to do Forex trading seriously.
Auckland, New Zealand, 20th November 2009.
Your course is very helpful and your trading system works.
You are first of all a very kind and sympathetic person. You are very profesional and with you I learnt a lot about Forex. Your course is very helpful and your trading system works !! The template you installed in my computer makes it very easy to apply your strategy. You taught me not only “theory” but we also operated with live charts during the course. I saw immediately the strength of your trading system.
I recommend everybody to follow this course. It has saved me time and makes me money!!Andrew, thanks again and good luck!
Valencia, Spain, 15th October 2009.
# 255: Como foi seu ano de negociação em 2017?
18 de dezembro de 2017.
# 254: resultados surpreendentes de negociação.
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# 253: Caminhe antes que você possa executar.
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